
reply n.答復,回答;(用行動等)應戰;反響;【法律】(原告對...


Philip passed off her sulky reply with a laugh . 菲利浦對她氣呼呼的回答一笑置之。

Be so kind as to give me a reply , please . 請不吝賜教。

I feel puzzled at his reply . 對他的答復我感到困惑不解。

On such occasions she was the bearer of replies . 在這種時機,她是回話的傳達者。

“nonsense!“ replied her sister . “無聊!”她妹妹答道。

“of course,“ the dodo replied very gravely . “當然,”渡渡鳥非常莊嚴地回答道。

Wohl's only reply was the same blank gaze . 沃爾回答他的還是那種毫無表情的凝視。

She replied promptly to my letter . 她立即給我寫了回信。

“i will pledge my honour,“ replied matcham . “我拿我的榮譽擔保,”麥青回答說。

Please reply at your earliest convenience . 請盡早答復。

Dr. li's reply is slightly amused . 李博士的回答略帶詼諧。

Coggan furnished a suitable reply . 科根很得體地應了一句。

I feel sorry for not giving you a quick reply .. 遲復為歉。

I replied with a thinly veiled warning . 我以一種幾乎不加掩飾的警告口吻回答。

“i know that, sir,“ she replied timidly . “我知道,先生,”她怯生生地答道。

“i will, ma'am,“ replied dick . “遵命,女士,”狄克答道。

“of course not,“ alice replied very readily . “當然不,”阿麗思立即回答道。

You 've no reply to that he has you here . 你對此一言不答,你在這里是認輸了。

He hummed and hawed , giving no definite reply .. 他閃爍其詞,不做肯定答復。