
replete adj.1.充分供應的,飽滿的;吃飽了的;塞滿的 (wi...


The result is certainly no less critical of the status quo , but now we have a jia film in 35mm , replete with special effects , animated sequences and extravagant pageantry ! of course , the metaphorical “ world “ here actually takes places in the window of the world amusement park , beijing . with the lovely zhao tao from 背景是北京世界之窗,即各國地標縮小模型的主題公園,正如其宣傳口號不出北京,走遍世界,趙濤飾演山西跑到這兒的跳舞女郎,天天在不同國界進進出出,舞衣變換又變換,可姊姊妹妹皮囊下,也一樣要懂得變色。

The diocese should formulate guidelines for the teaching of religious and moral studies , which help the younger generation build up a positive outlook on life , replete with true love , and guide them to adopt christ as their own model , i . e . using imitation of christ s spirit of love and service as an infinite motivation in their search for perfection 教區應制訂教理及倫理教學進程指引,幫助青少年建立積極及充滿愛的人生觀,引導他們以基督作為典范,亦即以效法基督的博愛和服務精神作為自己追求臻于至善境界的無窮動力并編寫適合各班級使用的宗教倫理課本,及介紹有關參考資料。

Chongqing , china ? stand in the right spot in this gigantic city and hills draped with apartment complexes can remind you of hong kong , the density of habitation will recall tokyo and the river - spanning brawn , replete with an immense new structure over the yangtze that echoes the brooklyn bridge , might recall new york 中國重慶? ?如果站在這個巨大城市的恰當地點,布滿公寓的山丘會讓你想到香港,而人口的密度又會讓你想到東京,還有橫跨長江、如同布魯克林大橋的工程也許會讓你回想起紐約。

Chongqing , china ? stand in the right spot in this gigantic city and hills draped with apartment complexes can remind you of hong kong , the density of habitation will recall tokyo and the river - spanning brawn , replete with an immense new structure over the yangtze that echoes the brooklyn bridge , might recall new york 中國重慶- -站在這個巨大的城市某處,看到道路兩旁陡坡上林立的公寓樓,你可能會想起香港,這里擁擠的住宅又讓你記起東京,還有那些橫跨長江、如同布魯克林大橋一樣筋索交織的巨大的新結構物,可能還會讓你想到紐約。

Bout two years ago , i approached supreme master ching hai s poetry collection “ traces of a previous life “ with a very earthly curiosity : i wished to see whether the love poems of a female renunciate would be different or off - beat when compared to the writings of other women . and i was pleasantly surprised . i found that , like the work of other poets , supreme master ching hai s love poems are replete with life s emotions : joy , anger , love , jealousy , and the passion and bliss of young love s fiery flame 年前我以塵俗而好奇的心情拜讀了清海無上師的詩前身足跡,想了解一位女性修行者與世間女子的情詩有何不同,后來我發現這實在是一個很有趣的誤會,因為清海無上師的詩也充滿了人生的喜怒哀樂,洋溢著年輕戀人的熾情和浪漫的情懷,和普通詩人沒有什么不同,然而我感覺師父的詩體現了一位女修行者破執的精神,描述了一位詩人正在尋找真理的修行歷程。

The teamwork of these three artists successfully brought an aesthetic and romantic atmosphere to the piece , “ the prince . “ maria newman chose to write the music in a more classical style with a lot of tempo changes and flexible vocal structure that corresponded with the sentimental and supernaturally imaginative lyrics by the supreme master ching hai . the beautiful voice of ann marie was replete with tenderness and emotion and created beautiful memories for the audience 至此,三位名家之間的緊密聯系為王子帶來了一種唯美的浪漫情愫瑪麗雅紐曼以較古典的手法來烘托清海無上師既感性又具超然想像力的詩詞,拍子的變化與靈活的聲部結構隨處可見安茉莉清晰的歌聲遞送著一股幽深細膩的情感,不斷牽引聽者僭入絕美的回憶中。

As if feeling sorry for those who sought fame and fortune . . . the lyrics are replete with powerful images and karlin has built around them a majestic piece that inspires quite a bit of soul - searching . ultimately , however , the poems communicate an uplifting message which karlin himself describes as “ . the realization that happiness and peace are inside us and not found in the outside world . 這些詩詞充滿了強有力的意象,而卡林則為它們譜出了一部鉅作,激發人們進入靈性探索之旅,然而這些詩最終所要傳達的訊息是如卡林自己所說的了解到快樂及和平是在我們內在,而非外在。

“ suppose that one were to exercise kingship , rule , & sovereignty over these sixteen great lands replete with the seven treasures , i . e . , over the angas , maghadans , kasis , kosalans , vajjians , mallas , cetis , vansans , kurus , pa ? calas , macchas , surasenas , assakas , avantis , gandharans , & kambojans : it would not be worth one - sixteenth of this uposatha endowed with eight factors “假定某人君臨、統轄、坐鎮充滿七種寶藏的這十六個大國即,鴦伽國、摩竭陀國、迦尸國、拘薩羅國、拔只國、末羅國、支提國、盤沙國、拘樓國、般暗羅國、婆蹉國、蘇羅西那國、阿梭迦國、阿般提國、鍵陀羅國、劍?沙國:如此仍不值這布薩八戒的十六分之一。

Nevertheless , british and american postwar industrial history is replete with examples of where the excess pursuit of other stakeholder interests , the orientation to short - term profit , workers ' reluctance to change , or diversification , has led to an erosion of customer support and a loss of markets 英國和美國戰后的工業歷史重復著許多這樣的例子,如過分追求其他利益相關者群體的利益,以短期利潤為導向,員工不愿意變革或多元化等,這些因素導致削弱顧客的支持,最終失去市場。

Pingtung city is the administrative seat of pingtung county . it s not large and its main tourist attractions are tzufeng temple pingtung s matsu temple , always replete with incense smoke and offerings , and the confucian temple pingtung academy , with its famous eye - catching screen wall 屏東市是屏東縣政府所在地,面積不大,旅游點首推香火鼎盛奉祀媽祖的慈鳳宮屏東天后宮,以及立著九仞宮墻大屏風的孔廟屏東書院。

There is universal law that states , “ practice precedes excellence . “ myth and history are replete with stories of individuals who had struggled against all odds [ 4 ] and obstacles and just kept after what they truly wanted until they reached their goals triumphantly 不管是在神話故事還是在歷史當中,到處可見這樣的人物:他們追求自己的理想,努力和命運、困阻抗爭,不勝利達到目的,決不罷休。

Ith its ancient sacred tradition , india has been graced by the presence of many great masters through the centuries , including shakyamuni buddha , jesus christ and supreme master ching hai , and its literature is replete with spiritual lore 印度擁有流傳久遠的神圣傳統,其文學作品充滿靈性方面的傳說,自古以來包括佛陀耶穌清海無上師在內的許多偉大的明師,都曾親臨加持這個國家。

The vedas are replete with references to astrology in that cosmology and divinity are indistinguishable from the movements of nature and planets and the growth of understanding in man as he lives in harmony with his highest spirituality 吠陀在宇宙哲學和神學上充滿了對占星的提及,因為他活在與他的至高精神協調融洽里面,因而不能從自然與行星的運動與個人諒解的成長分辨出來。

The supreme master ching hai s superb discourses , replete with humor and wisdom , provide spiritual nourishment for modern humanity . her books , audiocassettes , videotapes , and compact discs lead you into the sound stream of wisdom 清海無上師句句珠璣睿智幽默的開示是現代人心靈的甘露醇糧,無論是書籍錄音帶錄影帶或cd ,都將帶領您徜徉在師父無上的智慧法音里。

How grievous then was the thought that , of a situation so desirable in every respect , so replete with advantage , so promising for happiness , jane had been deprived , by the folly and indecorum of her own family 吉英有了這樣理想的一個機會,既可以得到種種好處,又可望獲得終身幸福,只可惜家里人愚蠢失檢,把這個機會斷送了,叫人想起來怎不痛心!

Science and engineering have made it possible to construct the partially artificial surroundings we live in today , replete with huge bridges , trucks , airplanes , antibiotics and genetically altered species 科學和工程學使我們能夠建造我們今天得以生活在其中的部分人工化了的環境,在這個環境里充滿了無數大橋、卡車、飛機、抗生素和基因變異物種。

The campus : the sleek explorer replete with an 8 , 000 - volume library , computer lab with wireless access , a student union , campus store and full international faculty , dean included 造型亮眼的游輪探險號就是校園,船上設有藏書八千冊的圖書館、可無線上網的電腦室、學生活動中心、校園商店,還有陣容完全的各國師資,包含學院院長在內。

Thanks to the entrenchment of an autonomous kurdish region in iraq , replete with parliament , army and flag , kurdish pride and confidence have soared everywhere , making turks and also iranians even twitchier 由于伊拉克的庫爾德人實現了自治,擁有了自己的議會、軍隊和國旗,庫爾德人似乎有些忘乎所以,這令土耳其和伊朗大為緊張。

As usual , the 14th annual wing bowl was replete with thousands of beer - crazed fans , piles of saucy wings , dozens of scantily clad “ wingettes “ many of them strippers and several sickened contestants 和往常一樣,第14屆吃雞翅大賽上也有數千名狂熱的賽事支持者成堆的雞翅許多衣著暴露的“雞翅女郎”以及一些吃相不雅的參賽者。