
replay vt.重新舉行(比賽);重演;再播放。n.重賽;重演;(...


When you run out of life , you lose . no replays . no restarts 你的生命值一用完,你就輸了不能重玩,也不能重新開始游戲

Replay : the jazz ' s slump is so bad now , even playing well doesn ' t work 爵士狀態突然下滑,即使球隊表現優異也無濟于事

The replay wasn ' t much of a contest : liverpool walked all over them 復賽簡直不是比賽:利物浦隊把他們打得一敗涂地。

Finally , the artifact profile has two additional replay countermeasures 最后,助診文件概要具有其它兩個重播對策:

The teams finished level , so they ' ll replay the match on wednesday 兩個隊打成平局,所以他們將在星期三再賽一場。

When you run out of life . you lose . no replays . no restarts 當你生命值為零的時候,你就輸了不能重玩,不能重新開始

An otherwise legal serve that is replayed because it touched the net 重發球。一次發球碰網,就會重新進行發球。

Run that excerpt back to the beginning and replay it in slow motion 把這一段倒回到開頭部分,然后用慢鏡頭重放。

Replay is useful to troubleshoot an application or process problem 重播對于解決應用程序或進程問題是很有用的。

Replay captured event data 重播捕獲的事件數據。

The replay will be provided within 48 hours following the conference call 重播將于現場會議結束48小時內提供。

Steps through a replayed trace 單步執行重播的跟蹤。

Perform stress testing and quality assurance by replaying traces 通過重播跟蹤來執行負載測試和質量保證。

Considerations for replaying traces 重播跟蹤的注意事項

For example , i often visit warcraft 3 websites and download replays 比如:我經常訪問魔獸網站下載錄像。

For information about the permissions required to replay traces , see 有關重播跟蹤所需權限的信息,請參閱

By replay game can be resumed 按replay就可以重新游戲。

Using gui capture / replay tools to reduce test creation cost 使用gui捕獲回放工具減少創建測試的成本。

England were worsted in the replay 英格蘭隊在重賽中敗北