
replant vt.1.改種;移植,補種,補播。2.使復位。3. 【醫...


Besides , there are successful relocations of the endemic romer s tree frogs and hong kong paradise fish . for plant , afcd has used various methods to propagate rare and endangered plants , such as keteleeia fortunei , camellia crapnelliana and camellia granthamiana , which were replanted in their potential natural habitats 植物方面,漁護署利用各種技術繁殖稀有及瀕危品種,包括油杉紅皮糙果茶克氏茶及大苞山茶葛亮洪茶等,并在合適的自然生境重新種植。

Since the replanting in early 2005 , an automatic sprinkler system has been installed and after a three - month incubation period during which visitors were temporarily forbidden to walk on the grass , the lawn is now flourishing and serves as a backdrop for visitors and graduates to take photographs 自2005年初新鋪草地,并加裝自動灑水系統,經過三個月養草期(暫時禁止游人踐踏草地) ,現時草地已健壯茂密地成長,可供游人及畢業生拍照。

All of these obviously breach both the value of hearing system and the motive of replanting this system from other countries . so it is necessary to analyzing the value of administrative hearing system so as to make this system perfect from theoretical and practical view 全文由引言,行政聽證制度概述,國內外行政聽證制度主要內容介紹,行政聽證制度的價值分析以及我國行政聽證制度的缺陷及其完善共五個部分組成。

The university complies with government guidelines in transplanting or undertaking to replant trees and plants affected by construction projects , and carries out supplementary planting in excess of quota near the original site to ensure green surroundings are maintained or enhanced 大學會按照政府指引把受工程影響的樹木移植或進行植物重植補償計劃,在原址附近超額補植樹木,以確保綠化范圍得以保存和增加。

The system maybe still has definite limitation , such as the manipulation and process of up down the files . the programming and evaluation of the reuse , replant of system module and enhancing data reuse are still worthy of more research 本系統在上傳文件的處理、操作方式還有一定的局限性;在系統模塊可重用性、移植性的規劃和評估以及進一步增加模塊和數據的可重用性等仍值得進一步探討。

The workers next task was bamboo transplantation , which involved sawing bamboo plants to a suitable length before uprooting them and then replanting them in new , designated spots . after this rearrangement , the bamboo grove became brighter and the ventilation improved 接下來則是竹子的移植工程,大兒將準備要搬家的竹子鋸短后再挖出,然后分種于預先規劃的新家位址上。

In order to cut down japanese cedars and re - plant with varieties low in pollen we started the 3 coins 1 tree fund - raising campaign whereby one japanese cedar tree can be replanted for 1 , 500 yen three 500 yen coins 為了采伐日本柳杉,重新種植低花粉植物,我們開始舉辦“三個硬幣一棵樹”的募捐活動,因為每替換栽培一株日本柳杉需要1500日元三個500日元硬幣。

The software has many advantages such as : friendly interface , easy to be used , easy to be replanted and maintained , easy to be expanded , etc . so it has good prospect of application and high utility value 為網絡數控系統提供直觀的操作環境。該操作平臺人機界面友好。 ’操作簡單易學,移植性和可維護性好,可擴展性強,具有廣泛的應用前景和較高的實用價值。

It is suggested to replant trees which grow for hundreds of years at the promenade in tsim sha tsui east , and to provide an interactive paved walkway around the new central ferry piers , like that in ling nam garden at lai chi kok 建議于尖沙咀東部的行人道,重新種植百年大樹,并在新的中環碼頭鋪設類似荔枝角嶺南公園內互相連接及鋪砌路面的行人道。

This paper provides a software named medical fault image processing based on pc , which can realize stand - alone replant . because it is no longer rely on the special workstation , it can reduce the cost 本論文實現了一個基于微機的醫學斷層圖像處理的軟件平臺,完成醫學圖像處理的單機移植,使之在處理上不再依賴專用的工作站,從而降低運行成本。

Because of the strong localization needed , the measures to conduct the concept of sustainable development cannot be directly replanted from another countries , but must be collected from own suitable experiences 由于永續發展有強?之在地性, ?能直接將外?的實施措施強加移植,必須?積相當的本土經驗,國內在此方面的努?頗值得重視。

It is a dream started by our chief executive following the devastating events of the asian financial crisis . we must now reap this first fruit and replant its seeds for a much larger harvest 本港飽受亞洲金融風暴打擊后,最先由行政長官提出這個夢想,我們現在一定要好好掌握初步的成果,繼續努力耕耘,希望可以取得更大的收獲。

The system based on dsp can realize flexible and precise real - time control by software . it has the virtues of modularization , integration , high reliability , easily replanting , and so on 采取dsp作為逆變器的控制核心,可以用軟件實現變換器的整體控制,具有實現電源模塊化、集成化、控制可靠,可移植性強等優點。

On the side of real time software , the module software is written by assembly language functions that interface with 16 bits fixed - point c code so that it can be amended and replanted easily 在實時軟件編制方面,利用匯編語言和16位定點c語言混合編程的方法,編寫了變頻調速系統的模塊化程序,以便于修改和移植。

To initiate induction , undifferentiated escs were dissociated and replanted on none - coated tissue culture plastic dishes in nsc medium . the medium was changed ever - y other day into serum - free nsc medium 誘導分化時去飼養層細胞,重新接種于無包被的培養皿中,使用nsc培養液,逐漸更換為無血清nsc培養液。

Therefore if you go to reseed or replant you garden come spring , do not over - till the soil but rather simply dig small holes to plant the new seeds or sprouted plants from your hothouse 因此,如果你在來年春季打算重新播種或改種,請不要過度耕作,而僅僅挖一些小洞來播種或移植來自溫室的幼苗。

The gui programme is replanted to the testing platform based on hd66789 and lpc2210 in experiment , carrying out the character display test and moving picture test 在實驗中,將圖形用戶界面程序成功移植到基于hd66789和lpc2210的測試平臺上,并結合相關程序設計,實現了字符顯示測試和動態圖像測試。

When the vascular cannot work normally because of arteries and veins pulse , angioma , thrombus , dilapidation or aging of vascular . replanting of vascular prosthesis is necessary 當人體內血管由于動脈硬化、血管瘤、血栓、血管老化或破損等原因而不能正常工作時,需要進行血管移植(

1 provision all seedling s title is accurate and they will grow well in the next spring . otherwise , we ll return your payment or replanting in the next autumn or spring . 1供應:所有的苗木,標名準確,第二年春天生長勢良好,否則,我們將退還種苗款,或者在第二年秋季春季重新栽植。