
replace vt.1.放回原處[原位]。2.還,送還,賠償(錢、書等...


A commander who cannot develop proper discipline must be replaced . 指揮官如不能保持部隊的良好軍紀,就應該立刻更換。

But in starvation ketone bodies replace glucose to an increasing extent . 但在饑餓期,酮體就越來越多地取代了葡萄糖。

Dinitz had replaced the taciturn yitzhak rabin in march . 三月里,迪尼茨接替了沉默寡言的伊扎克拉賓所擔任的職務。

The problem of power is that from time to time batteries need to be replaced . 電力的問題是電池需要經常更換。

Pompiou replaced the voluble foreign minister maurice schumann . 蓬皮杜撤掉了能言善辯的外交部長莫里斯舒曼。

She closed and locked the cupboard and replaced the key in the desk drawer . 她鎖上書柜,把鑰匙又放回抽屜里。

Together they brought up a stone to replace the missing step . 他們兩人一起搬了一塊石頭把缺的那一級補上。

Their work has been replaced by a whole army of farm machines . 他們的勞動已經改由一大批農場機器承擔。

He replaced the telephone . 他掛上電話。

The ferry service of bygone days has been replaced by that tunnel . 往日的渡口已被那個隧道取代。

We will replace the partial derivative by an ordinary derivative . 我們可用普通微商代替偏微商。

No one could replace him but someone had to succeed him . 沒有人能代替他,然而必須有人繼承他。

That is easily replaced . 那是容易配上的。

The men who would replace them would probably be even worse . 撤換他們吧,接替的也許更不中用。

The high-salaried manager replaced the swaggering tycoon . 高薪的經理代替了趾高氣揚的大老板。

The word piece can often be replaced by a more specific word Piece一詞常可用較具體的詞替換。

We undertake to replace any product not up to the specifications . 產品不合規格,保證退換。

The traditional carding oil has been replaced by mineral oils . 用礦物油代替慣用的梳毛油。

The bridge replaces a ferry that went to japonski island . 該橋代替了去雅邦斯基島的渡船。