
rephrase vt.(-phrased; -phras-ing) 改變...


While repeating or rephrasing key information can be helpful in books for emphasizing certain ideas recursively , for making connections , or for facilitating transitions , in shorter documents such as scientific papers it wastes the reader ' s time 在書籍中重復或反復敘述關鍵信息有助于反復強化某些觀念、上下聯接、或是過渡;在較短的科學文獻中卻是浪費讀者的時間。

Position responsibility : translate students ' application materials , such as personal statement , essays , and question and answers , from chinese to english , certain degree of rephrasing and rewriting in english is needed 職責:翻譯學生留學申請材料,包括個人陳述,回答問題,推薦信等。中譯英,需要適當的重組和改寫。

“ if someone asks me that question , i go back to most recent public announcement on it because if i rephrase it , then they try to read something into the rephrasing . “假如有人問我那個問題,我會追溯到最近對此傳聞所作的公開聲明,因為假如我用不同方式回應的話,那么他們便嘗試從這些話中去挖出一些東西來。 ”

If your repository does not support these types of doubles negatives , then this can affect how you rephrase this query into your repository s terms 如果存儲庫不支持這些類型的雙重否定,那么這會影響如何將這個查詢改寫為存儲庫的查詢詞。

Rephrase to avoid misunderstandings and situations where you are misunderstood . certain words are easier to hear or lip - read than others 改述以避免誤解。換用更易聽出來的某些詞匯或唇讀會更好。

Amend to alter a legislative measure , for example formally by adding , deleting , or rephrasing 修正,修訂:通過增加刪減或重新措詞來正式修改如一種立法措施

If i can rephrase what i ' ve just said , i think our resources are not renewable 如果我可以把我剛說的話重新措辭一下,我認為我們的資源是不能再生的。

If i can rephrase what i had just said , i think our resource is not renewable 如果我可以把我剛說的話重新措辭一下,我變為我們的資源是不能再生的。

Ask him or her to rephrase the sentence when you do not understand what is said 當你理解不了的時候,要求他或她換一種方式說一遍。

Let me rephrase that 讓我換一種說法

Noted . let me rephrase 明白讓我重新說明

I dated this woman , let me rephrase that , i dated this whore . . 我曾經和某個女人約會這么說吧,我曾經和某只雞約會. .

Let me rephrase my question : does the choice of color have a meaning 我再換個方式問,顏色的挑選有沒有特別的意義?

I dated this woman , let me rephrase that , i dated this whore 我曾經和某個女人約會這么說吧,我曾經和某只雞約會

Because no one can understand him , he had to rephrase the statement 因為沒有人能聽明白,他不得不換種說法。

I ' ii rephrase . did you talk to emily about going off to college 那我換個問法,你和她談過上大學的事情嗎?

Let me rephrase . mrs . rexroth 讓我重新說雷克斯拉夫夫人

Let me rephrase the question . what does the torpedo wind up hitting 讓我換個問法那么魚雷會擊中什么?

Let me rephrase . mrs . rexroth . . 讓我重新說雷克斯拉夫夫人