
repetitious adj.反復的,重復的;啰嗦的。n.-ness


Cathodic electrodeposition technology was used in making composite oxide films which have high dielectric constant . titanium peroxide was prepared by ti ( so4 ) 2 and h2o2 , and the optimal ingredient of the solution was obtained through repetitious attempts grounding on the effects of the every composition in the solution of titanium 以硫酸鈦、過氧化氫、甲醇為原料,通過陰極電沉積在鋁光箔表面沉積一層鈦的過氧化絡合物,然后通過熱處理和陽極氧化等后續工藝,在鋁箔表面得到復合氧化膜。

Fourthly , it is helpful for the information share between the departments , to prevent avoiding tax and the occurrence of the repetitious taxation . the tax source control used in internet mainly includes four aspects : the first one is the construction of the first to the third step of golden tax project , the second one is the construction of the government portals of tax authority and the internal automation of official business , the third one is the conversion from general taxpayer point for a little net on report to the internet report , the fourth one is chinese tax revenue collection and management system v2 . 0 s operation on line 互聯網環境下稅源管理的新思路包括轉變傳統稅源管理理念,構建適應網絡經濟發展的新型稅務人才隊伍,構建稅務機關與企業的共享平臺和保障信息安全;加強企業網上交易后臺監控,加強與公安、海關、工商、銀行等相關部門的信息共享,加強相關稅收法規的修訂,加強執法檢查力度,加強對企業的納稅評估,加強世界各國間的反避稅合作。

Even though i could not cure every patient i met , i could at least cure nine out of ten , and give a lecture for hours without being repetitious . when i meditated , all i had to do was place my left foot over my right foot , and my soul would be projected out of my body . therefore , i didn t believe in “ immediate enlightenment “ 幾年前我的同事拿給我即刻開悟的樣書,我不屑一顧,我以為我修了那么多年,體驗也不錯,不僅有些神通,還能給人看病,不說百醫百靈,十個人的病至少九個人能治好,給人講經幾個小時,內容從不重復,打坐時左腿往右腿上一放,靈魂就走了,所以我不相信會有即刻開悟。

Using distributed architecture , this controller integrates functions of protection , metering , signaling , communication and new kind of distribution automation . it combines the function for integrated automation and feeder automation . so this product can be used not only in the reforming of substation , realizing the protection of equipments and power lines , but also in ring power network , through repetitious reclose , eliminating instantaneous faults and isolating permanent faults 本文所研究的智能重合控制器采取戶外分布式結構,將保護和測量、控制、信號、通訊以及新型配電自動化等功能集成一體;與斷路器配合,將綜合自動化系統中的測量、保護功能與饋線自動化系統中的重合功能相結合,不僅可以運用于變電站的改造,實現站內設備、線路的保護;還可以運用于城鄉環網中,通過多次重合,消除暫時性故障,隔離永久性故障。

The paper studies the testing principle for the dynamic characteristic of the pressure temperature switch , designs and complete the mechanical structure of the testing system independently , develops two sets testing systems ’ circuits and software based on pc and dsp , makes some experiments using the testing system based on pc . the paper analyzes and calculates the precision and repetition of the testing system through the mathematics model and repetitious measuring results . in the end , the paper analyzes the dynamic characteristic of the pressure temperature switch , and advances some steps to improve the dynamic characteristic 本論文研究了壓力式溫控器開關動態特性的測試原理;獨立設計完成了測試系統的機械結構;研制了基于pc機和基于dsp兩套測試系統的硬件電路和軟件程序;使用基于pc機的測試系統進行試驗,通過測試系統的數學模型分析計算了測試系統的測量精度,利用多次測量結果分析計算了測試系統的測量重復精度;通過疲勞性試驗,定性分析了壓力式溫控器開關的動態特性,并給出改進其動態特性的措施。

Therefore , this paper suggests that , in order to avoid the repetitious appearance of the polarization phenomenon and eliminate the governmental ineffectiveness during the course of china ' s regional development , governments should take measures to make institutional innovations and reconstruct a new decentralized public governance mechanism 為了避免區域發展中循環往復的馬太效應現象,根治區域開發中的政府失靈問題,市場制度下必須對國家簡單化的公共管理體制進行制度創新,構建一種新型的分散治理機制。

The implementation of streamingware is rather simple . it has not industry value by now , but the idea of streaming media middleware , i think , is very significative . if the mature streaming media middleware appears in the future , the manufacturers of streaming media application software will invest more resources in application itself , ruther than waste resources in repetitious work 雖然目前streamingware的實現還非常簡單,還沒有工業使用價值,但其設計思想是很有意義的。如果將來真的有成熟的流媒體中間件出現,那么流媒體軟件廠商就能減少重復勞動,把更多資源投入到特定應用中去。

Due to the maintenance problem of measurement and control software becoming more and more serious and ubiquitous , such as more repetitious labor , longer research cycle , taking advantage of the software reuse technology to reduce and enhance productivity is an effective way to settle those problems 隨著測控軟件的可維護性問題日漸突出,普遍存在重復勞動多、開發周期長等問題,利用軟件復用技術,減少重復勞動,提高軟件生產率,是解決上述問題的一條切實可行的途徑。

( 2 ) the formation of the new - style aeco is analyzed by the methodology of game theory . the conclusion is that many fanners could form the aeco finally , if they mix long - term in an organization at the drive of individual ration and undergo the repetitious game . otherwise , the non - cooperative action must be punished , and the punishment can evolve into the informal organization such as commandment , 結論是,在個人理性的驅動下,多人長期相處于一個組織,經過多次反復的長期博弈,不合作行為必然遭到“懲罰” ,這種“懲罰”逐漸演變成戒律、倫理道德、風俗、習慣、家法(宗法) 、村規民約等非正式組織,最終形成農業經濟合作組織。

On the traditional artificial design method , the designer have to take a lot of time and energy to design , so it is very often to make the mistake . besides , the designers have to pay more attention to the repetitious work , so they have no more time to make creative design , as the result the development period of product is extended , the quality of product may be not very good and also weaken the market competition ability 但是軸的設計與繪圖是十分繁瑣且重復性很大的工作,傳統的人工設計方法費時費力,且容易出錯,設計人員將大量的時間和精力花費在一些重復性的工作上,缺乏更多的時間去進行創造性設計,導致產品開發周期長、產品質量差、市場競爭力弱等后果。

By studying and using conventional 1c process in combination with electron beam lithography ( ebl ) , reactive ion etching ( rie ) and lift - off process , several efficient results are produced : semiconductor and metal nano - structures are fabricated ; the matching problem of photolithography and electron beam lithography is well solved ; the process efficiency is improved ; the process is offered for the controlled fabrication of nano - structures by repetitious process testing ; several nano - structures such as si quantum wires , si quantum dots , double quantum dot structures and tri - wire metal gate are firstly fabricated by using ebl and rie processes 研究利用常規的硅集成電路工藝技術結合電子束光刻,反應離子刻蝕和剝離等技術制備半導體和金屬納米結構,很好地解決了普通光刻與電子束光刻的匹配問題,提高了加工效率,經過多次的工藝實驗,摸索出一套制備納米結構的工藝方法,首次用電子束光刻,反應離子刻蝕和剝離等技術制備出了多種納米結構(硅量子線、量子點,雙量子點和三叉指狀的金屬柵結構) 。

But repetitious launching tests show that there is a remarkable error in the measurement of the angle which is measured in the technical position . the error has so notable effect on sight precision of weapons that this scheme is abandoned in the design of later missile weapons 但經多次發射試驗證明,技術陣地測量的兩基面夾角存在較大誤差,對武器的瞄準精度產生了較大影響,以致后繼的某些型號放棄了基面轉換方案。

Since the issuance of the circular of the state council concerning the issuance of the ( guo fa [ 1994 ] no . 17 ) in 1994 , the momentum of dispersed , blind and repetitious development of the automotive industry in our country has been somewhat curbed 1994年《國務院關于印發汽車工業產業政策的通知》 (國發1994 17號)下發以來,我國汽車工業分散、盲目重復發展的勢頭有所抑制。

Machines in this series are suitable for reel - shape materials such as bopp , pet , cpp , aluminum foil , and paper , 2 - layer repetitious laminating , high strength production , producing high - quality compound materials with high freshness preserving , and boiling steaming resistance 該機適用于bopp pet cpp鋁箔紙張等卷筒狀材料,兩層多次復合,生產高強度,高保鮮耐蒸煮等高品質的復合材料。

Set up enterprises “ products chosen and pricing models . discuss the strategy “ differences when consumers buy the product only once and repetitious . third , analyze the pricing of products difference under asymmetry cost 分析了擁有完全成本信息的企業與沒有完全信息企業在定價考慮上的差異,并對影響企業產品選擇和定價決策的因素作了分析說明。

For example , the application of e - preprint combined with its server system becomes a possible solution for scholars who trapped in the repetitious publication process and not ideal peer review mechanism 電子預行本及其伺服系統的出現即是一個顯著的例證,該機制讓學術社群中的成員在冗長的學術出版與不盡完美的審查制度中,找到另一個可行的出路。

When the energy converters and the thickness of the steel plate are settled , the attenuation speed of the repetitious pulse reflected wave from the underside is only related to the reflectivity of the reinforced concrete interface 在鋼板厚度和換能器確定的情況下,多次脈沖底面反射波的衰減速度只與鋼-混凝土界面的反射率有關。

On the development process , the rills were influenced by rainfall runoff on slope , but the sockets were the result of the long - term repetitious action of rainfall and runoff and subsurface flow 在發展過程上,前者受降雨徑流侵蝕作用時間集中;后者是在長期多次降雨形成地面徑流和壤中流侵蝕的共同作用下,逐漸發展起來。

In order to detect and track dim - point targets under the complex background of sky , a high speed method is put , which uses multiwindow , little yardstick , repetitious subtracting and fusing images 摘要針對復雜天空背景下弱點目標的檢測與跟蹤,提出了一種利用多窗口、小尺度、多次差影融合點目標圖像的快速檢測與跟蹤方法。