
repetition n.1.反復,重復;重說,再講;背誦;背誦文[詩];再現...


Repetition of a libel is an offence 重復誹謗是一種犯罪行為。

Preliminary origins of repetition deficits 復述障礙的起因初探

Study of rhetorical repetition in english and chinese and its transla tion 英漢重復格的比較與翻譯

A repetition of practices is the resort of gaining genuine knowledge 反復實踐是取得真知的方法。

Repetition of dysyllabic words in chinese 也談漢語雙音謂詞的重疊

Revenge continuous repetition phenomenon and china traditional culture 復仇母題與中國傳統文化

Khz high pulse repetition frequency multibeam klystron transmitter 高重頻多注速調管發射機110

3sets of 10 repetitions would be ok 這樣看起來就會顯得血管畢露。

Pragmatic function of repetition in english 英語重復現象的語用功能

Let there be no repetition of the same mistakes 別再犯同樣的錯誤

An unnecessary repetition of visits need not be allowed 軍事使者無意義的重復造訪得拒絕之。

Effects of lag on repetition blindness in chinese 在漢字加工中間隔效應對重復知盲效應的影響

Each time out was a continuation , not a repetition 每一次出游都是上次的繼續,而不是重復。

Repetition plays an important role in language learning 復誦在語言學習上扮演著重要角色。

We must avoid the repetition of a mistake 我們必須避免犯同樣的錯誤。

These are things which can not be staled by repetition 這些東西不會因為重復而失去新意。

How many sets and repetitions should i do 那我應該做多少組,多少次數呢

High repetition rate femtosecond yb - doped fiber amplifier 高重復頻率飛秒摻鐿光纖放大器

The effect of repetition on accurate and false memories 復習對正確記憶和虛假記憶的影響