
repertory n.1.=repertoire.2.倉庫,貯藏所,寶庫;...


Accurate load forecasting is helpful to planning generators “ starting and stopping in the interior of the electrical networks economically and reasonably , preserving the security and stability of power system , reducing the unnecessary circumvolving repertory capacity , making planning to overhaul the units in reason , ensuring the normal production and life of the society , effectively reducing the cost of generating electricity , increasing the economical and social benefit 電力負荷預測是供電部門的重要工作之一,準確的負荷預測,可以經濟合理地安排電網內部發電機的啟停,保持電網運行的安全穩定性,減少不必要的旋轉儲備容量,合理安排機組檢修計劃,保證社會的正常生產和生活,有效地降低發電成本,提高經濟效益和社會效益。

Even though the local landestheater has three mozart operas “ la finta giardiniera , “ don giovanni “ and “ die zauberfl ? te , “ or “ the magic flute “ in repertory this year , the year ' s biggest attraction will be the salzburg festival july 23 to aug . 31 , which is presenting all 22 of mozart ' s stage works , from juvenilia to masterpieces , in cutting - edge productions with major singers , including anna netrebko and thomas hampson 歐洲夏季旅游的一大亮點薩爾茨堡音樂節7月23日至8月31日始于1920年,今年將邀請著名歌唱家上演莫扎特的22場歌劇。從2月到11月的每個周末將陸續舉辦30場“莫扎特精選作品”音樂會。另外,到薩爾茨堡的游客還將有幸觀賞別出心裁的木偶版莫扎特歌劇。

Secondly , the content , evaluating guideline system of the food security cost were discussed , and the quantitative analysis of the food security cost at the view point of center finance expend from reform and opening of china was given . threely , the influnce factors of chinese food security under wto were analyzed thoroughly , and the new stratagem of food security - - big food and little grain ration was proposed , and the food security and its types were discussed . the article thought that ensureing the food security hi the reason cost is the process both food security control was improved and microcosmic foundation was intensified increasingly , that the moderation scale of chinese food security repertory , that the rules , which includes negative correlation alteration of agriculture proportion and modern , etc . must be followed , and that the project of water from south to north must give attention to two or more things water need of food produce ability and output 認為中國糧食安全與成本優化的過程是一個不斷改進糧食安全調控工作的過程,也是使微觀基礎得以強化的過程;按照社會可承受2的糧食可供波動與控制糧食儲備成本的標準計算,中國糧食安全儲備的適度規模為48872千噸;應根據“農業比重與農業現代化的負相關變動” 、 “比較優勢與農業保護的平衡運用” 、 “大糧食消費與增值的備擇性” 、 “產業結構調整與糧食產能保護的兼容性”等要求建立與實施旨在謀求糧食安全與產業結構調整協調的評價指標體系;北方地區對中國糧食生產與增產具有很強的正相關性,然而它正遭受著越來越嚴重的水缺乏的影響;南水北調工程必須兼顧糧食產能的用水需要,以有效緩解糧食需求的相對穩定與糧食產量波動相對較大之間的矛盾,從而達到減少儲備、節約成本的目的。

My program discussed the necessity of establishing urban land purchasing and reserving system by land property , our land resource “ s using present situation and city development . in some cities we have made experiments and get better effects , which explained the possibility of establishing urban land buying and reserving system . refering to foreign experiences , i analysed the operation pattern of current land repertory , made optimization mode , at last analysed the problems existing land reserving operation and made corresponding methods 本課題從土地的特性、我國土地資源使用的現狀以及城市的發展探討了建立城市土地收購儲備制度的必要性;從我國一些城市的試點并取得了較好的成效說明了建立城市土地收購儲備制度的可能性;借鑒國外的經驗并對當前土地儲備機制運行模式進行了分析,提出了優化模式;最后對土地儲備機制運行中存在的問題進行了分析并提山了相應的解決辦法。

As for resources , with the exception of the hong kong repertory theatre , which was funded by the former urban council ( now the leisure and cultural services department ) , drama companies that were not self - supporting relied on financial support on a project by project basis from the hong kong arts development council ( adc ) and the former urban council 資源方面,除了由前臨時市政局(現在改由康樂及文化事務署)支持的香港話劇團之外,其他劇團若不欲自資演出,都要依賴香港藝術發展局及前臨時市政局對個別計劃的資助。

China , as the second largest oil consumer in the world , increasingly depends on international petroleum market the dissertation puts forward 6 strategies for dealing with changeable international petroleum market , establishing modern petroleum market system , setting up resource management institution , strengthening diplomatic activities , constituting revenue policies on fuel , quickening the construction up petroleum repertory , and intensifying multinational management 中國作為世界第二大石油消費國,對國際石油市場的依賴度逐年增加,面對風云變幻的國際石油市場,我們應構建現代石油市場體系;設立政府能源管理機構;加強石油外交活動;出臺燃油稅收政策;加快石油儲備庫建設;強化企業跨國經營。

It includes management of stock , management of repertory , management of distribution , management of user and so on in the erp . the implement of these functions is exertion technique of asp . net , activex , ado . net , sql . client server can visit the information by browser and share the the information 運用asp . net技術并結合activex 、 ado . net和sql查詢等技術實現了這些模塊的主要功能。使客戶端能通過瀏覽器對后臺的數據庫系統進行交互式的訪問,從而實現數據共享和并行工程服務。

Invertory management is the core aspect on enterprise ' s management in china , the invertory management is featured with outdated method and low efficiency , which leads to overstock and expensive stock cost it is very important for our enterprises to improve their management level and economical benefits by promoting the inventory management level ? but the advanced management mode and method in western developed countries is not entirely fit to chinese enterprises so , it is urgent to research a kind of invertory management mode based on our national conditions in this paper , based on the background of dims ( distributed invertory management system ) project of avici 510 factory , according to actual conditions of enterprise , we bring forward a resonable system solution the main accomplishments of the paper are as follows : 1 in the paper , the relative strategies and models of inventory control are discussed significantly , the main researchs include the material repertory ration management optimal number 本論文是以中航一集團510廠的“分布式庫存管理系統”項目為背景,結合企業庫存管理現狀,提出了庫存管理系統的解決方案。主要做了以下工作: 1 、首先探討了企業庫存管理中庫存控制的相關策略及模型。其中主要研究了物資儲備定額管理、最佳訂貨批量、物資的abc分析、庫存周轉分析等問題,重點論述了abc分類模糊綜合評判法的數學模型。

The makeup , structure features and key technique of a nc plate punching production line designed and manufactured based upon technical repertory of our company have been introduced with description of application future and market demand 摘要在公司技術儲備的基礎上,針對厚板沖孔加工我們設計制造了厚板沖孔數控生產線,文章介紹了生產線的組成、結構特點和關鍵技術,敘述了該生產線的應用前景和市場需求。

The increase or decrease of the employee will follow the principle that incom eeach this year is 1 . 5times of last year . during the engagement , yongsheng group make it as premise that to meet the demand , ensure repertory and careful engage 重點分析了永生集團人力資源開發與管理存在的問題,歸納出了永生集團所面臨的外部環境和內部環境,并通過問卷調查的形式提出了永生集團的1e3p1c人力資源戰略對策。

Principle and function of voting trust are also discussed in detail . at the same time , its emergence and operational background in america are profoundly explored , which may provide knowledge repertory and use for reference for operation of practical affair in our country 對表決權信托,在詳細論述其原理功能的同時,深刻挖掘了此種信托在美國產生和運作的背景,為我國實務操作提供知識儲備與借鑒。

He is also a frequent contributor of original repertory through commissions from the devine conservatory for guitar in cardiff , california as well as arranger and orchestrator for the conservatory s recent performance with the san diego chamber orchestra 他的作品透過加州cardiff的devine吉他音樂學校投稿,也經常出現于新曲發表會中。 naples博士同時也負責該學院與圣地牙哥室內樂表演的編曲和演奏。

In the paper , the relative strategies models of inventory control are discussed significantly . the main researches include material repertory ration management , optimal number , eoq , the analysis of material abc and mathematic model of fuzz complex judges 其中主要研究了物資儲備定額管理、最佳訂貨批量、物資的abc分析、庫存周轉分析等問題,重點論述了abc分類模糊綜全評判法的數據學模型。

So the study on system of land purchase and repertory from theory to practice , will have theoretical guidance and realistic meaning to our large and medium - sided towns where we will carry out land purchasing and reserving system 所以本課題從理論到實踐對土地收購儲備制度進行系統的研究將對我國各大中小城市實行土地收購儲備具有一定的理論指導和現實意義。

For serious fans , the unforced beauty and thrilling urgency of p * * arotti “ s voice made him the ideal interpreter of the italian lyric repertory , especially in the 1960s and “ 70s when he first achieved stardom 對于專業樂迷來說,帕瓦羅蒂以他自然美妙和的令人激動的嗓音完美演繹了意大利歌劇,尤其在上世紀六七十年代,當時的帕瓦羅蒂在歌劇舞臺上一舉成名。

Drama was predominantly amateur in hong kong in the early days , and it was only in the mid - 70s that professional drama companies and performances emerged with the founding of the hong kong repertory theatre and chung ying theatre 香港戲劇組織早期以業余劇社為主,香港話劇團和中英劇團在七十年代中期成立以后,香港才有職業劇團和演出。

Admittedly , if this music is not supported , the whistling repertory of the man in the street will be little affected , the concert - going activity of the conspicuous consumer of musical culture will be little disturbed 確實,若這樣的音樂未被支持,街上行人吹口哨的曲碼,也不會受到影響;音樂文化顯著消費者,參加音樂會活動,也不會受到影響

And with “ new vision “ as our theme , we can look forward to more flights of imagination and inventive artistic expressions from the hong kong chinese orchestra , the hong kong repertory theatre , edward lam dance theatre and theatre du pif 香港中樂團、香港話劇團、非常林奕華和進劇場,將以新視野和創新意念,帶來耳目一新的作品。

Musical instruments are often understood as national symbols , with their special shape , form , function , playing mode , national repertory being an integral part of the cultures and their identity 樂器,以其特別的形狀、形式、功能、演奏調式、國家里的種類等作為文化及其認同之一個不可或缺的部分,常被理解作為國家的象徵。