
repertoire n.1.(排好待演的)常備劇目,演奏節目;保留節目。2....

repertoire company

By the final episode , li and her two remaining rials had switched their repertoire to patriotic folk songs 在總決選中,李宇春和她的兩位競爭對手不得不將原先安排好的曲目換成民歌。

Customers are normally reluctant to incur the risks and costs of changing their existing repertoire of suppliers 通常客戶是不愿意為改變他們現有的全部供應商而產生風險和成本的。

An information architecture might provide a repertoire of such design patterns , each solving different problems 信息體系結構可以提供這種設計模式的清單,每種模式解決一個問題。

By the final episode , li and her two remaining rivals hadtched their repertoire to patriotic folk songs 在總決選中,李宇春和她的兩位競爭對手不得不將原先安排好的曲目換成民歌。

A kind of servo system based on embedded nc repertoire module is designed and discussed in this paper 基于此,本論文提出設計一種伺服系統,采用nc指令系統內置于伺服模塊的方式。

Information technology - european character repertoires and their coding - 8 bit single byte coding ; german version cen ts 1923 : 2003 信息技術.歐洲字符集及其編碼. 8位單字節編碼

Classical cd ' s aren ' t selling , while lp ' s of the same repertoire fetch hundreds of dollars a copy 古典的激光唱碟不在賣,當長時間唱片的相同戲劇節目取得數以百計元副本的時候。

Core strength can and should be developed at every level of the pilates repertoire and not only at the fundamental stage 在各個級別的普拉提動作中,都需要進行核心力量訓練。

I predict the chairman will be dishing up his usual repertoire of boring jokes at the christmas party 我預言,董事長會在圣誕節聚會上把他平時經常講的乏味的笑話又拿出來。

Information technology - character repertoire and coding for interworking with telex services ; german version en 1922 : 1997 信息技術.與電傳服務相互配合的信號存儲和編碼

Quite a few of these patterns can be discarded as useless towards the absolute most of the guitar repertoire 其中很少的組合可以作為與吉他曲目無關的組合而忽略。

Try exploring new horizons , since it is a good time to expand your repertoire of skills and knowledge 試著去探索新的領域,因為今年是擴展你技能和知識的好時候。

Yet there is more to internationalization than support for international character repertoires 然而,對于國際化來說,所需的工作遠比對國際化字符集的支持要多。

Classical cd ' s aren ' t selling , while lp ' s of the same repertoire fetch hundreds of dollars a copy 古典的激光唱碟賣得不好,同時相同曲目的lp要賣數百計元一片。

Old pressings and new releases offer unlimited choice of artists and repertoire , often for modest cost 新加舊的發行提供了無限的音樂選擇,而且通常所費無幾。

Some suggestions are offered to apply this method to the teaching of other carte and tierce repertoire extensively 綜合教學法也適用于其它劍術套路的教學。

Future articles will introduce additional component types for the soa developer s repertoire 后續的文章將介紹其他元件類型,它們是soa開發人員的常備工具。

Many of mr rove ' s tactical innovations will prove a long - term contribution to the republican repertoire 羅夫的許多戰略性革新對于共和黨來說都是長期貢獻。

Large baleen whales primarily use the lower frequencies and are often limited in their repertoire 大長須鯨最初使用低頻,他們的全套本領很有限。