
repercussion n.1.反擊,擊退。2.彈回;返回;(事件、聲音的)反響...


Rather than accepting the costs and repercussions of faulty software companies need to approach it like any other business problem and determine a way of preventing it from happening again . 與其接受有問題的軟件引發的成本和影響,公司不如尋求像解決其他商業問題一樣的方法,確定預防在此發生的途徑。 ”

However , the repercussions of the immense popularity of the orthodox style were to stifle creativity , and soon this kind of orthodoxy led to resistance from artists of a more independent nature 惟近世在歷經衰頹和風潮逆轉之下,此一繪畫集團備受批評和攻擊但追源溯始,仿古未嘗沒有提煉傳統的意義。

On eu anti - dumping law impact on china , author develop separately china ' s taking use of eu anti - dumping law in her legislation and repercussions of eu anti - dumping law on chinese foreign trade 在歐盟反傾銷法對中國的影響上,作者分別論述了其對中國反傾銷立法的借鑒性影響及對中國外貿的影響。

Glacier recession has more palpable repercussions in china including water resources dearth , frequent floods , wetland degradation and fluvial systems fragility 在中國,冰山的退化所產生的影響日趨明顯,其中包括水資源短缺、水患頻發、濕地退化和河流系統穩定性降低等。

These are sweeteners that not only give us the sweet taste that we seek and enjoy , but also allow us to minimize any negative repercussions to our oral and physical health 這些甜味劑不僅帶給我們所需要和喜歡的甜味兒,而且減少了糖對我們口腔和身體健康的負面影響。

Materials for sling : terylen tape , nylon tape , elastomer thread , pvc tape , etc , having processes of noctilucence , fluorescence , repercussion , jacquard weaving by computer , etc 吊帶材料有:滌綸帶、尼龍帶、高彈絲、 pvc帶等,并有夜光、瑩光、反光、電腦提花等工藝。

Patterns are being set right now , precedents are being established that will have repercussions far into the future , including on the perceptions of the international community 現在正努力設立的模式和先例,將對未來產生深遠影響,這包括國際社會怎樣看香港。

But even if the money markets are looking less sick , the full repercussions of the financial seizure are starting to be felt in the wider economy 但即使是貨幣市場看起來沒有那么病怏怏了,但這次的財政檢正的不良影響已經開始全面波及更廣泛的經濟面。

And people are still wary of “ political repercussions . “ the power of this paralysing sense of fear has driven some to a blind spot where they cannot see matters in perspective 這種杯弓蛇影的懾駭力,卻把人類美好的信念,無情地推向一個錯誤的盲點。

The episodes can have serious repercussions , warns straus , who presented the findings at the american sociological association meeting 斯特勞斯警告說,這種經歷會對孩子有嚴重的影響。他在美國社會學聯合會召開的會議上提交了這項研究結果。

Riding on the success and huge repercussion of deep relaxation i , deep relaxation ii comprises of three themes - ocean , nature and rain 繼心之凈化i及ii后, 2004年年推出第iii輯心之凈化iii三碟套裝,以hdcd重新錄音, 24 bit極品音色!

The great famine 18451848 was not just an immense human tragedy and a socio - economic watershed , but had far reaching political repercussions “大饑荒” ( 1845 1848 )不僅是慘烈的人間悲劇和社會經濟分水嶺,而且有著意義深遠的政治影響。

Do understand that by calling a delegate , you will be executing arbitrary code , which might have security , correctness , and compatibility repercussions 要了解調用委托將會執行任意代碼,這可能會造成安全性、正確性和兼容性方面的問題。

Dealing with issues on poor college students , the present book has stirred strong repercussions among students and brought tears to the eyes of readers 本書以中國貧困大學生問題為主題,催人淚下,在大學生中和社會各界引起強烈反響。

They may well take up the issue in the civil courts should the decision not go their way , but the repercussions of that choice could be monumental 如果他們對最終結果不滿意,也會向民事法庭提起訴訟,但是這一選擇引起的反響將是巨大的

Whether the lore of the sandwich is fact or fiction , there s no denying that even the most serendipitous invention can have big repercussions 不管三明治的這個傳說是真是假,但是不可否認,即使最偶然的發明,也可以產生巨大的影響。

Concerned by the potential political repercussions of soaring inflation , the government has been using some of the levers at its disposal to rein in price growth 由于擔心通貨膨脹引發的政治問題,政府已經運用了杠桿來平抑物價。

Would the lakers have to trade him then ? would he take it as far as sitting for actual games ? what would be the financial repercussions 湖人那時會交易他嗎?科比會作壁上觀嗎?會出現什么樣的連鎖反應呢?

The party and the country put forward the objective to become an innovation - type country within 15 years , which evokes strong repercussions 摘要黨和國家提出15年實現創新型國家目標,意義重大,反響強烈。