
repentant adj.對…感到懊悔[懺悔] (of)。 be repe...


Seeing nana s success , he had set to work to talk enthusiastically about her , all the while observing the banker out of the corners of his eyes . he knew him well ; twice he had helped him to deceive rose and then , the caprice being over , had brought him back to her , faithful and repentant 他見娜娜獲得了成功,便熱情地談論起她來,一邊瞟著銀行家,他很了解銀行家,他曾兩次幫助銀行家欺騙自己的妻子羅絲,等銀行家的情欲一過,他又把他帶到羅絲的身邊,這時銀行家表現得既后悔又忠誠。

Its good enough to practice diligently and truthfully , be repentant and humble , believe in the master and respect the master . for these people , regardless of the situation , i will definitely take them up . even if i have to go to hell for them , its worthwhile because these people are simply too good 所以不要作夢那么多,真正努力修行就好,有懺悔心有謙卑心,相信師父尊敬師父,像這樣的人,不論什么情況,師父一定會帶他們上去,就算師父替他去地獄也是應該的,因為那種人太好嘛!

Working variously as bit part player and fashion model , her path is sown with misadventure . after several suicide attempts , zu ji , a repentant junkie , be come a dancing - queen in a beijing discotheque . rebellious and with a devil may care attitude to life , she dances till the wee hours in this ancient city to forget her heavy past 美麗的魂魄三個夜之女,一個在酒廊里當伴唱,留下幼女在鄉下給人撫養一個放棄學業,一邊干電影臨記和模特兒一邊發明星夢第三個拋下吸毒的過去,在的士高表演跳舞,把生命的精華盡情燃燒。

Again mr . rochester propounded his query : is the wandering and sinful , but now rest - seeking and repentant , man justified in daring the world s opinion , in order to attach to him for ever this gentle , gracious , genial stranger , thereby securing his own peace of mind and regeneration of life 羅切斯特先生再次提出了他的問題: “這個一度浪跡天涯罪孽深重,現在思安悔過的人,是不是有理由無視世俗的偏見,使這位和藹可親通情達理的陌生人,與他永遠相依,以獲得內心的寧靜和生命的復蘇? ”

Repentant christmas thief returns booty in germany a repentant thief who stole 3 , 000 euros 2 , 000 pounds from a german post office on christmas eve returned most of the loot a few hours later - but kept 1 , 000 euros for himself , police in bavaria said 德國巴伐利亞州警方近日表示,該國一名竊賊在平安夜那天從當地一家郵局內盜走3000歐元,不過僅僅數個小時后此人便良心發現,主動將其所偷贓款的較大部分送還給了警方。

A repentant thief who stole 3 , 000 euros ( 2 , 000 pounds ) from a german post office on christmas eve returned most of the loot a few hours later - - but kept 1 , 000 euros for himself , police in bavaria said 德國巴伐利亞州警方近日表示,該國一名竊賊在平安夜那天從當地一家郵局內盜走3000歐元,不過僅僅數個小時后此人便良心發現,主動將其所偷贓款的較大部分送還給了警方。

A repentant thief who stole 3 , 000 euros 2 , 000 pounds from a german post office on christmas eve returned most of the loot a few hours later - but kept 1 , 000 euros for himself , police in bavaria said 德國巴伐利亞州警方近日表示,該國一名竊賊在平安夜那天從當地一家郵局內盜走3000歐元,不過僅僅數個小時后此人便良心發現,主動將其所偷贓款的較大部分送還給了警方。

He managed , by the end of the day , to accumulate us 7 . 80 , having spent about the same amount on a hamburger , a milk shake , a coke and some fries . he was ready to return to his guard duty in heaven , fully repentant 辛勞了一整天,乞丐甲滿心高興,到附近花了約莫一半討得的錢,買了漢堡飽奶昔可樂汽水和炸薯條飽餐一頓,最后剩下七塊八美元。

And then he became very frightened and knew that it was retribution for what he had done . so he began to feel deeply repentant in his heart and went to the temple and asked for forgiveness from the buddha 他知道這一定是因果報應,才被處罰的,心里感到很害怕,所以就趕快懺悔,每天去廟里拜神,求神原諒他。

Bb is weak in moral standards . being lazy , she thinks her body is her only treasure . she is not repentant of having pictures of her body shown publicly Bb和沙史很相似,都是一樣的愛玩,她知道德觀念薄弱,又懶惰,對自己最原始的身體有著絕對的依靠,依靠到可以拍攝色情刊物也毫不后悔。

Therefore i anticipated it by fleeing to tarshish , for i know that you are a gracious and compassionate god , long - suffering and abundant in lovingkindness and repentant of evil 我知道你是有恩典、有憐恤的神,不輕易發怒,有豐盛的慈愛,并且后悔不降所說的災,所以我急速逃往他施去。

Sometimes all the time i ' d been living seems just a dream for me , i ' m confusing and wondering if i ' d waste most of my times and repentant of that everyday 有時我會覺得我的一生對我而言就像一個夢境,我甚至疑惑自己是否浪費了所有的時間而每天沉浸在悔恨當中。 )

It s important for us to be repentant and humble , but it s more important to love ourselves . how can a person love anyone else if he can t love himself 我們有懺悔心和謙卑心是很重要,不過,對自己的愛心更重要,一個人如果不能愛自己的話,他還能夠愛誰呢?

The christ with the bridesister , moisture of light , born of an ensouled virgin , repentant sophia , departed to the plane of buddhi 基督攜帶著新娘子修女41 ,潤濕的光,受胎于圣靈的處女,懺悔的神之智慧42 ,死后進入佛陀的境界。

“ i wish now i d thought , “ said tom , with a repentant tone ; “ but i dreamt about you , anyway . that s something , ain t it ? “現在我希望當時真地那么想過, ”湯姆后悔地說, “不過我在夢里夢見過你呀,這不也夠可以的嗎,對不對? ”

It is very important to be repentant and humble , but it is more important to love yourself . if you can t love yourself , whom can you love ? ( p41 ) 懺悔心、謙卑心是很重要,不過,對自己的愛心更重要,不能愛自己,能愛誰呢?

She reverted to the things which were best and saddest within the small limit of her experience . she became for the moment a repentant 她不禁回憶起在她有限的生涯中那些最美好最悲傷的事情,一時間她悔恨自己的失足。

Repentant tse - ho returns to hong kong to lead a new life and finds out mark was cripped in the massacre for his vengeance 子豪出獄后返港,決定洗心革面,卻不為子杰所諒,且間接影響其晉升。孤掌難鳴,唯有忍氣吞聲。

It is very important to be repentant and humble , but it is more important to love yourself . if you can t love yourself , whom can you love 懺悔心、謙卑心是很重要,不過,對自己的愛心更重要,不能愛自己,能愛誰呢?