
repellent adj.1.排斥的;防水的;【化學】防止的;相斥的。2....


Some people use insect repellents to ward off mosquitoes in summer 譯文:在夏天,許多人用殺蟲劑來避蚊子。

Use insect repellent over exposed parts of the body when outdoors ; and 在戶外用驅蚊劑涂在身體外露部分;及

Water repellent finishing of cotton fabric with tio2 water sol 21阻燃劑對纖維素織物阻燃整理工藝的影響研究

Use insect repellent over exposed parts of the body when outdoors ; and 在戶外用驅蚊劑涂在身體外露部分及

Methodology of efficacy tests for mite - repellent chemicals in laboratory 防塵螨藥物的實驗室藥效測試方法

Of late years , john barton had had a repellent power 近年來約翰?巴頓身上有一種拒人于千里之外的力量。

Use a repellent to avoid harmful mosquitoes this summer 今年夏天,使用驅蟲劑可以避免有害的蚊蟲叮咬。

Apply insect repellent on the clothes and exposed part of the body 使用驅蚊劑涂抹衣服或外露的身體。

Repellents used in vector insects control 型帶有防滑轉控制

Use a repellent to avoid harmful mosquitoes this summer 這個夏天,使用驅蚊劑來避免有害的蚊子叮咬。

Apply effective insect repellents with deet to exposed parts of their bodies 在身體外露部位涂上含

Use a repellent to avoid harmful mosquitoes this summer 今年夏天用驅蟲劑可以有效的防止蚊子叮咬。

New method for testing the repellent effect of anti - mite fabrics 測試抗螨織物驅螨效用的新方法

Application of cemint mortar concrete water - repellent 水泥砂漿混凝土防水劑在屋面防水中的應用

Where can i purchase some mosquito repellent 我可以那買到防蚊劑?

Water - repellent admixture for mortar and concrete 砂漿混凝土防水劑

Use a repellent to avoid harmful mosquitoes this summer 今年夏天用殺蟲劑來防止有害的蚊子。

Use insect repellent over the exposed parts of the body ; and 用驅蚊劑涂在身體外露部分;及

Use insect repellent over the exposed parts of the body , and 用驅蚊劑涂在身體外露部分;及