
repel vt.(-pelled;-pelling )1.逐退,擊...


North magnetic poles repel each other 磁北極與磁南極互相排斥

North magnetic poles repel ( each other ) 磁北極與磁北極互相排斥

In medieval europe , beans were worn to repel witches 在中世紀的歐洲,人們佩戴豆子以驅除巫婆。

This paper repels the european reader 這報紙引起歐洲讀者的反感。

Gratuitous violence repels ( most people ) 無端使用暴力則激起民憤

He has repelled a young man ' s advances 他拒絕了一位年輕人的友誼。

Repelling foreign invasion and reviving the people 抵御外侮復興民族

And claimed the carnal act repelled him 還說肉體的行為讓他很不愉快!

Far from repel his advance she rather encourage him 她不但不拒絕他的求愛,反而半推半就。

Atoms are attracted ; atoms are repelled 原子互相吸引,原子互相排斥。

Like charges repel each other , unlike charges attract . ( adj 同性電荷相斥,異性電荷相吸。

Can quick lime or goose dropping repel snakes effectively 石灰或鵝糞是否具有防蛇的作用

My body had not been strong enough to repel cancer cells . . 我的身體抵擋不住癌細胞的攻擊

The romans thought they had the power to repel ghosts 羅馬人認為豆子有擊退鬼魂的能力。

My body had not been strong enough to repel cancer cells 我的身體抵擋不住癌細胞的攻擊

Our cruisers can ' t repel firepower of that magnitude 我們的巡洋艦頂不住那個級別的攻擊

Nothing repels thee , . dearest , teach me so 親愛的,那你教我吧,教我怎么樣

A country must have the will to repel any invader 一個國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。

A proton carries a positive charge and repels each other 質子帶正電荷,互相排斥。