
repeat n.1.再說,再做,重演;(尤指應聽眾要求的)再演;重播...


Why should i repeat to you what you can easily divine ? 我干嗎要對您重復您能夠很容易猜到的東西呢?

In spite of our repeated warnings , he still went his own way . 盡管我們一再警告,他還是我行我素。

At monte cassino he was determined to repeat his earlier performances . 他決意在卡西諾山再顯本事。

Repeat the oath after me . 跟著我宣誓。

A matter of repeated occurrence like this will not astonish people . 重復出現的事物不會使人吃驚。

The enemy will not have strength to repeat such descents often . 敵人沒有經常進行這種空降的力量。

After a time he kept repeating a jingle to himself . 走了一段時間,他嘴里就已經暗暗念叨個沒完了。

My repeated warnings to her went in one ear and out the other . 她把我對她的一再警告當作耳邊風。

To get back one's youth, one has merely to repeat one's follies . 想恢復青春,只要重犯舊過就行。

What boots it to repeat how time is slipping underneath our feet ? 不斷空喊光陰不待人又有何益?

Horse's narrow oesophagus stenosis results in repeated choke . 馬的食道狹窄,常常引起食道阻塞。

He could repeat whole pages of the great english poets . 他能整頁整頁地背誦英國偉大詩人的作品。

Please repeat it once more . 請再重復一遍。

It is advisable to repeat the adjustment of the setting circles . 最好重復進行刻度盤的調整。

At times he repeated lines to himself and this consoled him . 有時他獨自吟誦幾節,聊以自慰。

You are very naughty to dare to repeat what he says . 你竟敢重復他所說的話,這是非常可惡的。

Despite our repeated criticisms , he remains unchanged . 盡管我們一再批評,他還是依然如故。

“can't repeat the past?“ he cried incredulously . “不能重溫舊夢?”他大不以為然地喊到。

Her friends repeated the pleasing phrase enthusiastically . 她的朋友們都熱情地贊不絕口。