
repeal n.(法令等的)廢除,作廢,取消,撤銷;撤回;【英史】撤...


The law was finally repealed 該項法律最后被廢除。

He was convicted under an archaic statute that had never been repealed 他被一個過時且未被取消的法令定罪。

Repealed l . n . 198 of 1999 (由1999年第198號法律公告廢除)

With the ppp ' s support , this law was partially repealed 在ppp的支持下,這個法律目前已經部分地廢除了。

6 . to repeal spent provisions 6 .廢除已喪失時效的條文。

1 by repealing standing order nos . 60a and 60b and substituting - 廢除會議常規第60a 2及60b 2條而代以

Repealing right to resort to court under section 8 of the ordinance 廢除根據該條例第8條訴諸法院的權利

The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly 想廢除惡法,最好的辦法就是嚴格執法。

In 1951 , the laws against witchcraft were repealed in england 在1951年,英格蘭廢除了反對魔法的法律。

By repealing paragraph and substituting - 廢除b段而代以

By repealing standing order nos . 60a and 60b and substituting - 廢除會議常規第60a 2及60b 2條而代以

Holding the authority of conferring and repealing the powers of the icac 賦予或廢除廉政公署的權力。

Article 5 of guoshuifa [ 1994 ] no . 031 is repealed 通知規定,國稅發[ 1994 ] 031號)第五條規定停止執行。

By repealing standing order no . 62 廢除會議常規第62 3條。

On repealing right of donating cnotract 淺談贈與合同的撤銷權

Boundaries of restricted areas of ferry terminals repeal notice 渡輪終點碼頭限制區域界線廢除公告

3 by repealing standing order no . 62 廢除會議常規第62 3條。

The revision or repeal of a previous law 以前法律的修改或撤消

571 appointment of day repeal of ordinances notice 證券及期貨條例第571章指定日期-廢除條例公告