
repayable adj.可付還的;可報答的;應報復的。


The nls loan borrowed by you and the interest accrued thereon are repayable in 40 equal quarterly instalments within 10 years after you have completed the relevant course or you cease to be a registered full - time student at the institution on or before completion of the relevant course . you may choose to make early repayment of the nls loan 在你完成院校有關課程之后,或在完成有關課程之前你已不再是該院校的注冊全日制學生,你須在10年內均分為40期以一季為一期全數償還免入息審查貸款和累積利息。

Interest is chargeable upon drawdown of the loan and throughout the repayment period until the nls loan is fully repaid . nls loan is repayable in 40 quarterly instalments within 10 years upon graduation ; or termination of studies ; or lapse of 6 years from the first disbursement of loan , whichever is the earliest 申請人須于i畢業或ii終止學業或iii在首次發放貸款后滿六年的時間三者以最早的日期為準,在十年內均分40期以一季為一期全數償還貸款及所累積的利息。

In the current year , the post office trading fund has adopted ssap 35 “ accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance “ and elected to apply the accounting provisions of ssap 35 only to grants becoming receivable or repayable after the effective date of the standard 于本年度內,郵政署營運基金采納會計實務準則第35號“政府補助金的會計及政府資助的披露” ,并只將該準則的條款應用于在采納此準則后的應收或應償還補助金。

Unless otherwise expressly provided , all sums from time to time owing by the customer to the bank whether actually or contingently , jointly with any other person or individually , currently or in the future shall be repayable on demand by the bank 除另有明確規定外,客戶不時欠本行的所有款項不論是實際或是或然的與他人共同或獨自的或是在目前或將來拖欠的均須于本行要求時償還。

The dwelling was acquired 4 years ago with a mortgage loan borrowed by them jointly from a bank which is repayable by monthly instalments over a 10 - year period . during 199899 , the total interest paid amounts to $ 180 , 000 該住宅于4年前購買,并由他們聯名向銀行借取按揭貸款以支付購樓的款項。該筆貸款按月分期償還,為期10年。在199899年度,所支付的利息總額為$ 180 , 000 。

He said mr ahern had been told the two payments received in ireland in 1993 and 1994 did not create a tax liability “ on the firm understanding that the monies were loans repayable with interest “ 他說,有人告訴埃亨先生, 1993和1994年在愛爾蘭收到的兩筆付款應“堅定的理解為應付利息的貸款” ,所以不夠成納稅義務。

The loan is repayable in ten equal annual instalments of hk $ 90 , 040 , 000 starting from 1 august 1996 . the instalment due to be payable on 1 august 2005 is shown as short term borrowings under current liabilities 貸款由一九九六年八月一日起分十期按年等額歸還,每年還款港幣90 , 040 , 000元。

The tsfs loan borrowed by you and the interest accrued are repayable in 20 quarterly instalments within five years after your graduation or you cease to be a student of the institution 接受貸款人通常須于畢業或停學后五年內,分二十期按季償還資助專上課程學生資助計劃貸款及應付利息。

The advantage of debentures of british conpanies is that they carry lower interest rates than , e . g . overdraft and are usually repayable a long time into the furture 英國企業的債券的優點是,它們利息低,例如比銀行透支借貸的利息要低,而且償還期經常可以拖得很長很長。

The dwelling was acquired 4 years ago with a mortgage loan borrowed by them jointly from a bank which is repayable by monthly instalments over a 10 - year period 該住宅于4年前購買并由他們聯名向銀行借取按揭貸款以支付購樓的款項。該筆貸款按月分期償還為期10年。

The dwelling was acquired 3 years ago , financed by a mortgage loan from a bank which is repayable by monthly instalments on the 5th day of each month over a 15 - year period 該住宅于3年前購買,由一間銀行提供按揭貸款,該筆貸款分15年按月于每月第5日償還。

The dwelling was acquired 3 years ago , financed by a mortgage loan from a bank which is repayable by monthly instalments on the 5th day of each month over a 15 - year period 該住宅于3年前購買由一間銀行提供按揭貸款該筆貸款分15年按月于每月第5日償還。

However , the portion of increased award granted to “ civic minded “ applicants in accordance with sub - paragraphs 15 ( a ) and ( b ) above will not be repayable 但15 ( a )及( b )段所述的申請人無須退還因其英勇行為而獲增加發放的款項。

The loan is repayable by monthly instalments for 10 years from 1 . 12 . 1998 onwards . the property was ready for occupation on 1 . 4 . 1999 該筆貸款自1998年12月1日起,按月分期償還,為期10年。

The loans are repayable in 40 quarterly instalments within ten years after graduation or termination of study 貸款連利息須于畢業或退學后十年內分四十期按季全數償還。

E purchase price . the loan is repayable by monthly instalments for 10 years from 1 . 12 . 2004 onwards 該筆貸款自2004年12月1日起按月分期償還為期10年。

On the bestowal and repayable function of chinese ancient dietetic ritual 論中國古代飲食之禮的施報功能

The loan is repayable by instalments over a 10 - year period 該筆貸款分10年按期償還。

Odious debt is not repayable . 惡債不予償還。