
repatriate vt.遣送回國,送回本國。vi.回國。n.被送回本國的人...


Already this year , japan ' s embassy in paris has had to repatriate at least four visitors - - including two women who believed their hotel room was being bugged and there was a plot against them 今年以來,巴黎的日本大使館已經將至少4位觀光客送回國包括兩名婦女,她們相信旅館房間被竊聽,有人陰謀對她們不利。

The dollar fell a third of a percent to below 120 yen , with some dealers attributing the move to japanese investors repatriating money before the end of the financial year on march 31 美元下降1 / 3個百分點,報1美元兌120日圓,一些交易商把原因歸結于,即將到期的3月31日日本財年而使日本投資者重新買回日圓。

Hollywood star and u . n . goodwill envoy angelina jolie asked on saturday for increased international help to repatriate more than 3 million afghans living in pakistan 5月7日,聯合國難民署親善大使、好萊塢紅星安吉麗娜?朱莉在巴基斯坦首都伊斯蘭堡呼吁國際社會對滯留在巴的300多萬阿富汗人回國增加援助。

Already this year , japan ‘ s embassy in paris has had to repatriate ( 4 ) at least four visitors - - including two women who believed their hotel room was being bugged ( 5 ) and there was a plot against them 今年,巴黎日本使館已經遣返了4名游客,其中兩名女性認為有人竊聽她們的房間并準備暗害她們。

Already this year , japan ' s embassy in paris has had to repatriate ( 4 ) at least four visitors - - including two women who believed their hotel room was being bugged ( 5 ) and there was a plot against them 今年,巴黎日本使館已經遣返了4名游客,其中兩名女性認為有人竊聽她們的房間并準備暗害她們。

If you receive funds from abroad that will be used for investment purposes or which you may wish to repatriate in the future , then a non - resident baht account is the most suitable account to use 如果您的用途是投資海外并準備未來將資金送回國,那麼非居民泰銖帳戶對您來說是最適當的。

Already this year , japan s embassy in paris has had to repatriate at least four visitors - including two women who believed their hotel room was being bugged and there was a plot against them 今年,巴黎日本使館已經遣返了4名游客,其中兩名女性認為有人竊聽她們的房間并準備暗害她們。

Who pays for tax ( social security , income tax ) and what are the existing mechanisms in place for workers to bank their money and repatriate funds properly in your factory 請問由誰支付職工的社保費及收入所得稅,目前在貴工廠是否有適當的制度使員工存儲他們的工資并完全將歸還抵壓金

Identify cash balances of forign subsidiaries , if any , or cash located in foreign jurisdictions and indicate restrictions and costs of repatriate , if applicable 如果有國外子公司,確定國外子公司的現金余額,或者國外資金的結余,并且,如果可用,指出其限制和返款的費用。

Since then , with our society straining under the enormous burden of new arrivals , china and hong kong have agreed to repatriate all those who arrived illegally 自此以后,鑒于本港承受到新移民所帶來的沉重負擔,中國及香港遂達成協議,把所有非法入境的人士遣返。

Article 30 . safe may adjust the timeframe required for qfii to repatriate its principal and proceeds , subject to the needs of china ' s foreign exchange balance 第三十條國家外匯局可以根據國家外匯收支平衡的需要,對合格投資者匯出本金及已實現收益的期限予以調整。

The public security bureau of guangdong province ( gd psb ) repatriated 17 hong kong residents arrested in mainland for drug abuse offences back to hong kong today ( october 13 ) 廣東省公安局今日(十月十三日)將十七名在內地被捕涉濫用藥物的香港居民交回香港。

But most of those repatriated to the same dire conditions they had fled have trickled back to squat in makeshift shelters and camps just across the border 但是大多數人被遣返回他們之前已經逃離的同樣可怕的境地后,又慢慢流回邊境這邊,占據著臨時掩體和營地。

In 2003 , the ministry for public security ( mps ) and the government of thailand agreed on a framework for repatriating trafficking victims 2003年,中國公安部與泰國政府達成了遣返販運受害者的框架協議。公安部還在為同越南達成類似的協議而努力。

It is also managing to repatriate more trafficked artefacts from abroad , including 18 ceramic , textile and metal objects from germany two months ago 它還成功地從國外追回更多被走私的文物,包括兩個月前從德國追回的18件陶質的,紡織的和金屬物件。

A police spokesman reiterated that all illegal immigrants once caught will be repatriated immediately and their aiders and abettors prosecuted accordingly 警方發言人重申,所有非法入境者一經逮捕即會被遣返,而協助及教唆非法入境者則會被檢控。

The explosion of knowledge and learning , and the desire to develop leaders for the future are also encouraging firms to expatriate and repatriate skills 知識爆炸和希望培養未來經理人才也是促使公司對外輸出和對內輸入專業人才的主要原因。 ”

Whether , in repatriating these child iis , counselling is given to them to enable them to understand that entering the territory illegally is an offence under the law 在執行遣返該等兒童時,有否教導他們使其認識非法入境是違法的行為?

Article 18 . unless otherwise specified by the state council , all foreign exchange receipts for capital account transactions shall be repatriated home 第十九條境內機構的資本項目外匯收入,除國務院另有規定外,應當調回境內。