
repast n.膳食,飯餐;飲食;就餐時間。 a dainty [r...


Shuixin hotel is a three - star hotel which put lodging , repast , tourism , meeting together . it locates in flourishing area in center of city , commercial district pepole road and xinhe street outside of it . hotel away from railway station about 4 . 5km , away from airport 32km . predominant geography location and convenient traffic condition , all of these advantages save your much time 水心飯店是一家集住宿餐飲旅游會議綜合服務為一體的三星級飯店,座落在市區中心繁華地段,出門往北就是商業區人民路信河街。飯店距火車站約4 . 5公里,飛機場32公里。

The thesis takes core family as the object of study , starting with the basic theory of architecture , using the method of architectural programming , combining the other research , according to the results of dwelling conditions on - the - spot investigation , it then discusses the life character , life style , and dwelling requirement existing in core family . specially , it discusses the design according , the standard of scale , the ubiety of space and the tendency of dwelling space design about bed room , living room , kitchen and repast space . it also discusses the usable area and the space organize pattern of the dwelling size , emphasizes the economy , applicability and uncertainty of dwelling space 本文以核心家庭(夫婦+ 1個孩子)為研究對象,從建筑學的基本理論出發,運用建筑計劃學的研究方法,在研究、分析了大量國內外相關文獻資料并進行一定實際調研的基礎上,結合其他相關理論和已有的研究成果,分析闡述了當前核心家庭的生活特點、生活方式和居住需求,重點探討了臥室、起居空間、廚房、就餐空間的設計依據、量化標準、空間位置關系以及空間設計的發展趨勢,并對住宅套型空間的面積指標、組織模式進行了分析探討,強調了居住空間的經濟性、適用性和模糊性,通過優秀的實例、設計、改造對結論進一步驗證。

The cultivation enterprise first founded by li fucheng with a loan of 5000 rmb 20 years ago has now developed into a large comprehensive corporation , fucheng corporation ? a body of backbone enterprises of beef cattle cultivation , butchering and processing , fodder production , white wine brewage , cooked food processing , real estate development , beverage production , hotels and repast service , etc , which is doubtlessly a wonder 李福成先生二十年前從貸款5000元起家創辦養殖企業,二十年后的今天已經發展成為集肉牛飼養、屠宰加工、飼料生產、白酒釀造、熟食加工、房地產開發、飲料生產、酒店和餐飲服務等支柱企業為一體的大型綜合企業? ?福成集團,無疑是一個奇跡。

What possibility suggested itself ? the possibility of exercising virile power of fascination in the most immediate future after an expensive repast in a private apartment in the company of an elegant courtesan , of corporal beauty , moderately mercenary , variously instructed , a lady by origin 最近的將來在一位體面的高等妓女富于肉體美對金錢較淡薄有著種種教養原是出身名門的淑女的內室里共進一頓豐盛的飯菜,然后發揮男性魅力的可能性。

Baptistin left the room without waiting to answer , and in two seconds reappeared , bringing on a waiter all that his master had ordered , ready prepared , and appearing to have sprung from the ground , like the repasts which we read of in fairy tales . “ really , my dear count , “ said morcerf 伯爵說,巴浦斯汀不等客人回答,轉身就走,兩秒鐘之內,他又回來了,手里捧著一只放得整整的茶盤,象是我們在童話里讀到的從地底下蹦出來的食物一樣。

S , who , at the commencement of the repast , had commented upon the silence that prevailed , now found it difficult , amid the general din of voices , to obtain a moment s tranquillity in which to drink to the health and prosperity of the bride and bride - groom 想到又一次有美餐的機會,賓客們更加歡樂無比,老唐太斯還在宴席一開始的時候就曾嫌太靜,現在人們是如此嘈雜喧嘩,他竟很想找一個機會來向新娘新郎表示祝賀了。

Which is magnificent and elegantly simple decoration . it is not only includes the unique design and elaborated repast passenger compartment , bue also the elegant notable and bright banqueting hall . the hotel has got many commends from the high on the excutive ladder 二層餐飲區富麗堂皇裝飾古樸典雅。既有風格迥異精巧雅致的餐飲包房,又有高雅豪貴明亮通達的大宴會廳,曾先后獲得上級主管部門多項嘉獎。

If nothing else is available , a dothraki may sate his or her hunger on beef or pork , but their favoured repast is horsemeat washed down with fermented mare ' s milk ? the most readily available food they have , and one that is intimately familiar to them 如果沒什么好吃的,多斯拉克人用豬牛肉填飽肚子也會心滿意足,不過他們的最愛還是用發酵過的馬奶洗凈的馬肉? ?這是最佳的美味,來自他們最親近的動物。

Having reached the summit of a rock , he saw , a thousand feet beneath him , his companions , whom jacopo had rejoined , and who were all busy preparing the repast which edmond s skill as a marksman had augmented with a capital dish 當他爬到一塊巖石頂上時,看見他的同伴們已在他的腳下,他已比他們高出一千尺左右。雅格布已和他們在一起了,他們正在忙碌地準備著,把愛德蒙狩獵的成績做成一頓好菜。

What unforseen events might not open his prison door , and restore him to liberty ? then he raised to his lips the repast that , like a voluntary tantalus , he refused himself ; but he thought of his oath , and he would not break it 他本來自愿做丹達露斯,自動絕食的,現在想到這里,便把食物送到了唇邊但他又想起了他的誓言,他天性高尚,深怕食言會有損于自己的人格。

Caderousse , meanwhile , continued to pace the room in gloomy silence , sedulously avoiding the sight of his guest ; but as soon as the stranger had completed his repast , the agitated inn - keeper went eagerly to the door and opened it 這時,卡德魯斯繼續在房間里來回地走著,似乎不愿去看他的客人,當那個外鄉人一吃完飯的時候,他就走到門口,把門打開。

Home inn nanjing dazhong bridge inn locates in fuzi temple region nanjing , the hotel design as three star , its style simple and delicate , around traffic conveninet , repast , entertainment , leisure , shopping nearby 如家快捷酒店南京大中橋店位于南京市夫子廟地區,酒店按三星級標準建造,風格簡約別致,周邊交通便捷,餐飲娛樂休閑購物等近在咫尺。

It was well i secured this forage , or both she , i , and sophie , to whom i conveyed a share of our repast , would have run a chance of getting no dinner at all : every one downstairs was too much engaged to think of us 幸虧我弄到了這份食品,不然她和我,還有同我們分享這頓晚餐的索菲婭,都很可能根本吃不上晚飯,樓下的人誰都快忙得顧不上我們了。

“ well , then , signor aladdin , “ replied the singular amphitryon , “ you heard our repast announced , will you now take the trouble to enter the dining - room , your humble servant going first to show the way ? “好吧,那么,阿拉丁先生, ”那位奇怪的主人回答說。 “您已經聽到我們的晚餐已準備好了,現在請您勞駕到餐廳里去好嗎?鄙人當在前引路。 ”

You may enjoy our freely provided various type of tropical fruits ? in our peaceful and comfortable room together with fresh juice and the special features a light repast , which let you enjoy the most romantic thai style country feeling 在安靜舒適的房間里您可以同時享受免費的各式時令水果,鮮榨果汁以及特色小吃,讓你百分百享受泰國異域風情

In one of the aristocratic mansions built by puget in the rue du grand cours opposite the medusa fountain , a second marriage feast was being celebrated , almost at the same hour with the nuptial repast given by dant s 差不多就在唐太斯舉行婚宴的同一個時間里,大法院路上墨杜薩噴泉對面的一座宏大的貴族式的巨宅里,也正有人在設宴請吃訂婚酒。

With the 800 sqm s dining room and over 20 banquet halls and parlors , the hotel can seat 600 people to repast at the same time and provide the chinese cuisines of guangdong , chaozhou , seafood , and other flavors 酒店內設有中餐西餐桑拿健身沐足大型娛樂場所。其中中餐廳800多平方米,各式包箱20多間,能同時容納600多人就餐。

The room was empty ; the breakfast - a substantial repast of coffee , eggs , and a cold ham - lay spread upon the table untouched , as when she had taken it up , excepting that the carving knife was missing 客廳里是空的,早餐還擺在桌子上,有咖啡雞蛋冷火腿,但是早餐一動也沒有動,和她剛擺上去時一樣,只是那把切肉的餐刀不見了。

The service of the hotel is full - functioned . first floor ; the hall and scouring bath . the center of scouring bath is well - equipped , including psychotherapy house , bar , male - female bathroom and beauty salon . second floor ; repast area , 一層為大堂和洗浴。洗浴中心配套設施全,分多種功能區,有理療區酒吧區男女浴區美容美發室。