
repass vt.,vi.再通過[經過],再渡過(河、海等);在回程...


The nervous excitement of which we speak pursued valentine even in her sleep , or rather in that state of somnolence which succeeded her waking hours ; it was then , in the silence of night , in the dim light shed from the alabaster lamp on the chimney - piece , that she saw the shadows pass and repass which hover over the bed of sickness , and fan the fever with their trembling wings 瓦朗蒂娜睡著的時候更準確地說是在她醒來后的那種半醒半睡狀態中她仍然處于亢奮狀態那時,夜深人靜,壁爐架上那盞乳白色燈罩射出了昏暗的光線,在這寂靜和昏暗中,她看見那些影子在病床上空一一走過,用它們顫抖的翅膀煽動寒熱。

Besides , although she avoided coming within speaking distance , valentine arranged so that maximilian could see her pass and repass , and each time she went by , she managed , unperceived by her companion , to cast an expressive look at the young man , which seemed to say , “ have patience 而且,雖然她避免來到晤談的范圍以內,瓦朗蒂娜卻做得很巧妙,可以使馬西米蘭看到她走來走去而每一次走過的時候,她總要設法趁她同伴不注意向青年投來一個情意綿綿的眼光,象是在說: “耐心一點!

The next morning he saw albert pass and repass , holding an enormous bouquet , which he doubtless meant to make the bearer of his amorous epistle 第二天早晨,他看現阿爾貝一次又一次經過。他捧著一個極大的花球,無疑把它當作了傳遞情書的使者。

Technique of blasting vibration reduction for drift - repass in lanjian iron ore 蘭尖鐵礦保護平硐溜井的爆破減震技術措施

Effect and gme of lenshan mine stope key out blasting on waste drift repass 采場開溝爆破對廢石平硐溜井的影響及對策