
repartition n.1.分配,區分,攤分。2.再分配,再區分,再分割,再...


There are different ways of the standard for the dividing . except for the standard of career , there are other standards such as the ownership of producing materals and the ways of management methods of repartition power and social position charaters of culture and knowledge , etc . this paper also set forth the reasons of why it adopt the standard of career 利益群體的劃分標準也是多元的。除了本文所采用的職業分工標準之外,其它的劃分標準還有生產資料所有制、經營方式、分配方式、權力與政治地位、文化特質與知識地位、不同的產業與行業等多種。另外還說明了本文采用職業分工標準的原因。

The rural finance of our country has obtained greater development since open - and - reform . however , the simple organization establishment and business repartition have not been resolved the problem of credit demand difficulty of the rural economy main body fundamentally 改革開放以來,我國農村金融有了較大的發展,但是,簡單的機構分設和業務重新劃分并未從根本上解決農村經濟主體信貸需求難的問題。

Especially if you repartition your boot drive , you might find that you have to reinstall your operating system s boot loader , or in many cases the whole operating system itself and all files on the affected partitions 特別是當您把開機磁碟重新分割以后,您可能會發現必須重新安裝原有作業系統的boot - loader ,某些情況下,還得重新安裝該作業系統并恢復受影響分割區上的檔案。

If you are manipulating existing fat or ntfs partitions , it is recommended that you use the native windows nt tools or , more conveniently , you can also repartition your disk from the alphabios setup menu 如果您要處理已存在的fat或ntfs分區,推薦使用windows nt本身的工具或者,照慣例,您可以用alphabios配置菜單里面的工具重新分區。

If you already have an operating system on your system and want to stick linux on the same disk , you will need to repartition the disk 如果您已經在您的機器中安裝作業系統,同時也希望把linux裝在同一顆硬碟上,那么您就必須重新對硬碟進行分割。

Most usb sticks do not come pre - configured in such a way that open firmware can boot from them , so you will need to repartition the stick 上為usb閃盤分區絕大多數usb盤的預設置都不能讓open firmware從該盤進行引導,因此您需要為閃盤重新分區。

Since most usb sticks come pre - configured with a single fat16 partition , you probably won t have to repartition or reformat the stick 由于大多數usb閃盤預先設置了一個單獨的fat16分區,您可能不需要重新分區或者格式化usb閃盤。

With your current nix partitioning tools , repartition the hard drive as needed , creating at least one filesystem plus swap 根據需要,用已經安裝的nix的分割區工具重新分割詞區,要劃分出至少一個檔案系統外加置換分割區。

And want to stick linux on the same disk , you will need to repartition the disk ,同時也希望把linux裝在同一塊硬盤上,那么您就必須重新對硬盤分區。

Alter index cannot be used to repartition an index or move it to a different filegroup Alter index不能用于對索引重新分區或將索引移到其他文件組。

And say you re unable to repartition the drive due to critical data hanging out at hdb2 并假定由于關鍵數據在hdb2上,您無法對驅動器重新分區。

By avoiding dual booting , there is no need to repartition to install linux 由于避免了雙引導,不需要進行重新分區(為了安裝linux ) 。

Step 3 : repartition the drive 第3步:重新分區驅動器

Node id of the root of the hash team involved in the repartition 重新分區所涉及的哈希組的根節點id 。

To repartition a partitioned table , use 若要對已分區表進行重新分區,請使用