
repartee n.敏捷的回答,巧妙的回答;應對敏捷(的才能)。


The article also divides the communication ability into listening , expression and repartee skills to make an analysis . through the questionnaire , the result shows that enquiry learning course can make the students “ reading content from single to plural , make their reading scope ( reading time and reading space ) from close to open , and it also makes the quantity of students “ reading books increase fast and the students “ reading skill improve apparently 將交際能力細化為傾聽能力、表達能力、應對能力來研究,通過問卷調查結果顯示,研究性學習課程可以使學生閱讀的內容從單一走向多元、閱讀的范圍(即閱讀時間和閱讀空間)從封閉走向開放、學生閱讀文本的數量明顯增多、學生閱讀的能力明顯提高。

“ indeed , neural circuits for laughter exist in very ancient regions of the brain , and ancestral forms of play and laughter existed in other animals eons before we humans came along with our ' ha - ha - has ' and verbal repartee , ” says jaak panksepp , a neuroscientist at bowling green state university 的確,笑的神經?路存在于大腦的非常古老區域,傳承自久遠時代的玩耍和笑聲的形式早在我們人類出現哈哈哈和口頭敏捷應答的很久之前,就存在于其他動物身上,布林格陵州立大學的神經科學家杰克潘克塞普如此表示。

I like you more than i can say ; but i ll not sink into a bathos of sentiment : and with this needle of repartee i ll keep you from the edge of the gulf too ; and , moreover , maintain by its pungent aid that distance between you and myself most conducive to our real mutual advantage 盡管我對你的喜歡,非言語所能表達,但我不愿落入多情善感的流俗,我要用這巧辯的鋒芒,讓你懸崖勒馬。除此之外,話中帶刺,有助于保持我們之間對彼此都很有利的距離。 ”

Meanwhile , the local society ' s repartee was weak , its existing space was increasingly narrowed , and it was at an unfavorable position in wrestling with state ' s interest 與此相對應的則是地方社會應對乏力,生存空間日漸縮小,在與國家的利益角力中日益處于不利和無奈的境地。

Hilda only glowered at him without replying ; repartee was not her forte , nor connie s ; so she glowered , and he was much more uncomfortable than if she had said things 她同康妮一樣,隨曰答話不是她的能事。她只是不轉瞬地望著他,這使他覺得很難受,比她說什么都更難受。

A good debating contest is more than a feast for the ear . the contestants ' brilliant delivery and repartee can be a tonic for one ' s intellect as well 欣賞一場精彩的辯論會,不單是一種聽覺上的享受,而且也有助于提高本身的知識水平和分析能力。

A good debating contest is more than a feast for the ear . the contestants “ brilliant delivery and repartee can be a tonic for one ' s intellect as well 欣賞一場精彩的辯論會,不單是一種聽覺上的享受,而且也有助于提高本身的知識水平和分析能力。

Mr . rochester , allow me to disown my first answer : i intended no pointed repartee : it was only a blunder “羅切斯特先生,請允許我收回我第一個回答。我并無妙語傷人的意思,只不過是失言而已。 ”

Repartee : any reply that is so clever it makes the listener wish he had said it himself 巧答:任何巧妙的回答,讓聽者希望出自他口

Such brilliant repartee 好聰明的回答。

He is proficient at repartee 他擅長于機敏應答。

I didn ' t like his politics , but i enjoyed the repartee 我不喜歡他的政治但我很欣賞你們精彩的對答

Turn on ' s : razor sharp intelligence , witty repartees 刺激因素:聰明的大腦,智慧的巧妙回答。

Repartee is what you wish you ' d said 巧言對答是你希望你是這樣說的

Feudalism - all the details of misplaced conceptions and repartee 概念錯位的原委及應對

The repartee flew back and forth across the dinner table 宴會上妙語連珠對答如流

I am a very matter-of-fact, plain spoken being, and may blunder on the border of a repartee for half an hour together without striking it out . 我是個一是一,二是二,實話實說的人。想作個巧妙應答,即使搜索枯腸一連擠半個鐘頭也擠不出來。

He was a brilliant debater and his gift of repartee was celebrated . 他擅長辯論,以敏于應答著稱。