
reparative adj.修理的;賠償的;恢復的;彌補的。


But from overall see development be balanced not quite , the foundation of impoverished area teachs devoted and opposite inadequacy , managerial condition is poor , because capital is not worth and the dangerous house of large quantities of one middle and primary school is couldn ' t get seasonable and reparative ; the whole nation still has at present quite a batch of children of the amount wander because of domestic poverty at the school gate besides 但從總體看發展不夠平衡,貧困地區的基礎教育投入相對不足,辦學條件差,一大批中小學的危房因資金不足而得不到及時修繕;全國目前仍有相當數量的一批兒童因家庭貧困而徘徊于校門之外。

From the point of macroscopic , if accountant information of corporation is illusory , the involved functional department of our country ca n ' t receive real accountant information and make the reparative difficultly mistakes in the respects of economic decision - making , economic manage , economic supervise and so on 從宏觀角度來看,假如企業的會計信息是虛假的,國家有關職能部門得不到真實的會計信息,就會在經濟決策、經濟管理、經濟監督等方面犯下不可彌補的錯誤。

These data identify a pathway by which the number and function of cardiac progenitor stem cells can be amplified , thus providing critical insight into the ability to harness these cells for future cardiac reparative therapies 這些數據鑒定了一個通路,通過該通路,心臟原始的干細胞的數量和功能能夠被放大,因而提供了關鍵的發現:控制這些細胞為將來心臟修補治療。

Biocompatibility : local and systemic response : this slide presentation addresses tissue reparative processes and the response to particles 生物相容性:局部及全身性反應:這張投影片說明組織修復的過程及組織對外來物質的反應。

Biocompatibility : local and systemic response : this slide presentation addresses tissue reparative processes and the response to particles 生物相容性:局部及系統性反應:這張投影片說明組織修復的過程及組織對外來物質的反應。

“ we ' ve also tested these cells in animals for the first time , and it turns out that they have incredible reparative potential . “我們也在動物試驗中首次測試了這些細胞,也證實了它們有難以置信的修復潛力。 ”

Therefore market needs diagnosis and reparative facilities for automobile 因此針對汽車的檢測和維修設備是市場所需。

Heliocalm calming reparative gel for face and body 曬后修護舒緩嗜喱

Giant cell reparative granuloma of lumbar verbrae : case report 腰椎骨巨細胞修復性肉芽腫1例