
reparation n.賠償(款項);修理〔現在多用 repair〕;〔pl...


A judgment in favor of bosnia - herzegovina could have resulted in serbia paying billions of dollars in reparations 如果國際法庭做出對波斯尼亞有利的裁決,塞爾維亞就可能被迫支付幾十億美元的賠款。

In this paper , a management information system for power transformation equipment maintenance and reparation is analyzed and developed 本文完成了變電檢修管理信息系統的設計與開發工作。

Clean with a damp mop and neutral detergent for every month . reparation in time if the tile undermind 每月進行一次清潔,用拖布或其它工具將中性洗滌劑涂抹在地面上進行清潔,若有劃痕,應修復

Moreover , the system has been already used in reparation and testing department of wu hai electric power bureau 在烏海局試運行一年,對提檢修公司的檢修水平和管理水平具有重要意義。

Japan ' s parliament did not back the apology , and the japanese government has paid no reparations to the women 日本國會當時沒有支持那次道歉,日本政府也沒有對慰安婦提供任何賠償。

A trial analysis on the solution of japan ' s post - war reparations to southeast asian nations in the middle and late 1950s 試析20世紀50年代中后期日本與東南亞各國戰后賠償問題的解決

Reparation of peripheral median nerve defect with basic fibroblast growth factor combined with autogenous vein graft conduit 堿性成纖維細胞生長因子結合靜脈套接修復正中神經缺損

Vice - president of united states of america ; chairman of allied reparation commission originator of “ dawes plan Charles gates dawes美國的副總統“道咸斯計劃”計劃的制定者

Be responsible for the installation and organizing the mechanical reparation , making the preventive maintenance program 負責設備的安裝調試,開展設備的維修和保養工作。

The victorious allies wanted defeated germany to pay the costs of the war through what were called reparations 取得了勝利的盟國希望戰敗的德國支付賠款以賠償戰爭損失。

Train operators and maintenance technician for failure analysis and reparation of testing equipment 培訓生產人員和維修人員如何進行測試設備缺陷分析和維修。

The reparation of a fissure of the length of 1 1 2 inches in the right side of his guest s jacket 他的客人身上那件上衣右側有個一英寸半的裂口,得給縫上。

“ i am quite sure , “ repeated sissy , “ that it is the only reparation in your power “ “我深信, ”西絲又重說一遍, “這是你能做的唯一的贖罪的辦法。 ”

The primary observation on reparation of multiple knee ligament trauma with allogenic achilles tendon 同種異體肌腱修復膝關節韌帶損傷2年隨訪報道

Coordinate gage sourcing and managing usage , maintain and reparation of inspection instruments 協調檢測設備的購買和日常使用的管理和維護

The problem of moral damage reparation in civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings 論刑事附帶民事訴訟中的精神損害賠償問題

On america ' s influence upon japan ' s postwar war reparations and its consequences 美國對戰后日本戰爭賠償的影響及其后果

Effect of economic reparations and compensation factors on measurement of penalty 略論經濟賠償補償因素對量刑的影響

On the legal evidences for nongovernmental claims for war reparations from japan 論對日索取民間戰爭賠償的法律依據