
reparable adj.可修補的;可賠償的;應由(某人)修理[賠償]的。...


By analyzing the topology of an interconnected power system , chapter 3 of this thesis derives the spanning tree , and builds the corresponding minimal cut set . by combining the results from the graph theory with the reliability indices of the individual reparable components , the reliability indices at the load point can be obtained , and the reliability indices for the whole system are deduced 本文的第三章從單個可修復元件的可靠性指標出發,在分析電網絡的拓撲結構的基礎上,利用一定的算法求出其對應的生成樹,根據生成樹和最小割集之間的對應關系,得到整個電網絡的最小割集。

This protocol is verified by applying the expanded ban logic , and its reparability is proved as well in the same chapter , and a hierarchical key distribution system model is given out and the corresponding expanded protocol , which we call authentication based hierarchical reparable key distribution protocol , is proposed as well 研究了層次化密鑰分配模型以及基于鑒證的可修復密鑰分配協議在這種模型下的擴展。軍隊、政府、企業內部都是典型的層次化組織結構,我們提出的基于鑒證的層次化可修復密鑰分配協議非常適宜這些系統的應用。

If we can separate our buddha nature from the instrument , we ll be free to find another instrument to attach to ; but if we can t , we ll be attached to our old instrument unable to disassociate from it . after initiation , god s power helps us to repair our instruments . in case it can t be repaired , after we die , hes will help to permanently separate it from us , and then we ll be free to find another useful instrument - better , more perfect , more useful and more easily maintained and reparable 我們印心了以后,上帝的力量會幫我們忙,把那個工具整理好,萬一整理不好,我們死了以后, ?幫我們分開,跟這個工具永遠離開我們去找另外一種可以用的工具,更好的更完美的好用的好整理的好修理的好使用,就是這樣而已,不是我們失去我們什么東西,我們本人還是一樣,就是工具新鮮就像車子壞掉,去買另外一部一樣。

It s just that if it s reparable and if we can repair our own instruments , there s no need to destroy the whole world . we can gradually repair our instruments one by one 就是如果這個世界能夠修理,自己修理自己的工具的話,就不用通通毀滅世界,慢慢地,一個好了就修理另外一個。

I fear he is not to be reclaimed ; there is scarcely a hope that anything in his character or fortunes is reparable now 我擔心他是無法改變的了。要想他的性格或命運改變怕是沒有希望的。

Asymptotic stability of a parallel reparable system with warm standby under common - cause failure 具有熱儲備的可修復平行系統在由常規錯誤引起失效下的漸進穩定性

The distribution of eigenvalue with the four - state reparable system 具有四個狀態可修復系統本征值分布

Her mistakes looked easily reparable in the light of her restored self-confidence . 她恢復了自信心以后,所犯的錯誤似乎也并非不可補救了。