
repairman 修理工。


Whether you ve locked yourself out of your home , or need urgent electrical and plumbing repairs , home assistant is available 24 hours a day to help you find a repairman . we ll even pay the first hk 800 of your bill maximum two claims per year 當您意外被鎖于門外或是電器及水管需要緊急維修,我們提供的24小時家居支援服務為您妥善安排技師上門維修,并為您預支首港幣800元費用每年兩次。

In the fault diagnosis of the ship electric power system , the experiences of the repairman are very important . but the room of the ship is limited , so it is unavailable to diagnose the ship with the multipeple 在船舶電力系統的故障診斷中,維修人員的工作經驗是正確診斷的重要因素,但是由于船舶的工作空間狹小,因此使多人員進行故障診斷的方法受到限制。

An initial sign of the disease is often the failure to recall events of the past few days ? a phone conversation with a friend , a repairman ' s visit to the house ? while recollections from long ago remain intact 阿茲海默癥最先的徵兆,是無法憶起過去幾天發生的事件,像是與友人通電話,或是維修人員來家里修東西;但是舊的記憶則完好無缺。

Returning to the tv stand , we found that the repairman had returned and that the women there had been joined by several friends , who had clearly come over to check us out 我們回到修電視的攤位,修理工已經回來了,看攤位的婦女旁邊又多了幾個他們的熟人,很顯然,他們是過來“看”我們的。

While the repairman dismantled and examined my tv , dong and i chatted with the ladies , who were fascinated by me but also by dong and his ability to speak english 在修理工檢查電視機的時候,我和董先生就跟那些婦女聊天,他們對我們感到很新奇,對董先生英語講得那么好也很驚訝。

Imagine you can ' t close the cupboard door properly , how to speak ( on the phone ) to a repairman ? how to describe the household problems at the various ways 生活中難免會碰到家裝方面的問題,讓我們先看看可能會出現哪些問題。看的同時,請留意不同的故障是怎么描述的。

It isn ' t easy for me to say no to a friend like you , but my recent experience with the repairman compels 2 me to refrain from 3 lending it to anybody 真的很難向你這樣的朋友說不,但最近我和維修人員打交道不愉快,使我不得不決定不再出借打印機。

In order to pay for my tuition fees , i began to take part - time jobs like being a tutor , salesman and repairman as soon as i entered the university 為了掙學費,我從一年級就開始兼職工作,包括做家教、做推銷員,做修理工等。

On that side of the track is ah sing roy chiao , uncouth , unkempt , a garage repairman , a bravado with plenty of tricks up his overall sleeve 修車工人阿星喬宏為人爽直樂觀,有機靈之頭腦,不拘小節,但常因酗酒而闖禍。

A friend of his , a repairman who knew the condition of the car , kept urging him to trade his old car for a new model 他的一個朋友,一個了解這輛汽車情況的修理工,勸他把那輛舊車作價再補些錢買輛新型的。

In the film , the girl would purposely break her taxi in order to go and meet with the repairman of her dreams 在這部影片里,這個女孩總是故意撞壞自己的出租車就是為了去見她那個夢中人修理工。

The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene , curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady 電話修理工人繼續講下去關于發生地點,想看這是條精神狗或是女士年邁衰老所致。

He is a man of parts ; he is either a repairman , or a carpenter , either a barber or a good tailor 他是一個多面手,既是修理工,也是木匠,既是一個理發師,也是一個好裁縫。

The connection between scholarly study and quality - oriented cultivation of medical instrument repairman 研究性學習與醫療儀器維修人才的素質培養

Steve : i guess i ' ll give the repairman a call . it ' ll probably cost a fortune to fix 史提夫?我想我會打電話給維修人員。修理大概會花很多錢。

The guy exclaimed , “ why are you gonna kill a bicycle repairman ? ! 布什說: “恩,我們準備殺1000萬阿富汗人,和一個自行車修理工。 ”

Set up and upgrading repair and maintenance plan . lead repairman implement it 建立并完善修理和維護性保養計劃,并組織實施

As an auto repairman , dick ought to know what is wrong with the car 狄克作為一個汽車修理工總該知道這部車的毛病所在吧。

Boiler repairman games 輪椅大師小游戲