
repairer n.修理工人,修補者。


The event was co - organised with the two leading trade associations , namely the hong kong vehicle repair merchants association ltd . and the environmental vehicle repairers association . a judging panel was formed with representatives from institutions , trade associations , car owners association and epd 這項活動由環保署與本港兩大業界商會香港汽車修理同業商會及環保汽車維修同業聯會合辦,而評審小組則由有關學術機構商會車主協會及環保署的代表所組成。

The possessory lien referred to in the preceding paragraph means the right of the ship builder or repairer to secure the building or repairing cost of the ship by means of detaining the ship in his possession when the other party to the contract fails in the performance thereof 前款所稱船舶留置權,是指造船人、修船人在合同另一方未履行合同時,可以留置所占有的船舶,以保證造船費用或者修船費用得以償還的權利。

And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places : thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations ; and thou shalt be called , the repairer of the breach , the restorer of paths to dwell in 賽58 : 12那些出于你的人、必修造久已荒廢之處你要建立拆毀累代的根基你必稱為補破口的、和重修路徑與人居住的。

[ kjv ] and they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places : thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations ; and thou shalt be called , the repairer of the breach , the restorer of paths to dwell in 你的子孫必重建久已荒廢之處,你必重建歷代拆毀了的根基;你要稱為修補破口的人,重修路徑給人居住的人。

And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places : thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations ; and thou shalt be called , the repairer of the breach , the restorer of paths to dwell in 你的子孫必重建久已荒廢之處,你必重建歷代拆毀了的根基;你要稱為修補破口的人,重修路徑給人居住的人。

“ those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins ; you will raise up the age - old foundations ; and you will be called the repairer of the breach , the restorer of the streets in which to dwell 賽58 : 12那些出于你的人、必修造久已荒廢之處你要建立拆毀累代的根基你必稱為補破口的、和重修路徑與人居住的。

Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age - old foundations ; you will be called repairer of broken walls , restorer of streets with dwellings 12 [和合]那些出于你的人,必15修造久已荒廢之處。你要建立拆毀累代的根基;你必稱為補破口的和重修路徑與人居住的。

Ah jian is quin s live - in boyfriend . an outmoded villain , he works in a porno video rental shop which is facing its insolvency . ah chun is a lift repairer 電梯修理員排骨仔沉默內向,生活更是過得枯燥乏味,每天最大的樂趣只是沉迷于電臺call - in和色情場所中,藉以宣泄工作上的郁悶。

Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age - old foundations ; you will be called repairer of broken walls , restorer of streets with dwellings 12那些出于你的人,必修造久已荒廢之處。你要建立拆毀累代的根基。你必稱為補破口的,和重修路徑與人居住的。

You all need not to be nervous , i am an automobile repairer , about the wrench , it is used for screw when i work , is it reasonable 少林足球:大家不要緊張,我本身是一個汽車維修員。這個扳子呢,是我工作時用來上螺絲的,很合理吧?

Currently , there are 111 enterprises related to the shipbuilding sector , including 14 manufacturers , 32 repairers and 65 ship component providers 房地產商建筑工程商裝飾裝修企業和建材商現場洽談,既方便又直接,成交效果明顯。

A vehicle repairer was fined 5 , 000 for inflating the purchase price of a property to obtain a larger mortgage loan from a bank 一名汽車維修員夸大物業買價,以便向銀行取得較高的按揭貸款額,被判罰款五千元。

The possessory lien shall be extinguished when the ship builder or repairer no longer possesses the ship he has built or repaired 船舶留置權在造船人、修船人不再占有所造或者所修的船舶時消滅。

A qualify faa maintenance repairer , the repairer of aircraft maintenance division , airlines , the repairer of engine maintenance Faa的合格飛機修護人員,工場修護人員,發動機修護人員。

Ji , who had been a bicycle - repairer for over twenty years , abandoned his repair shop and came to beijing in 2004 2004年,曾做過20多年修車匠的冀擱下了他的車鋪,來到北京。

In september 2002 , the environmental vehicle repairers association also formed collaboration with epd 在二零零二年九月,環保汽車維修同業聯會亦與環保署建立相同合作關系。

Chung heng motor sdn . bhd are approved repairer by persatuan insurance am malaysia 我們-振興車廠有限公司,是馬來西亞保險公會批準修理廠。

Vehicle body repairer 車身建造技工

Bicycles - dealers repairers 池威單車行