
repairable adj.可修理的;可賠償[補償]的;可挽回[恢復]的。


This thesis argues that availability of repairable metworks has the same polynomial as reliability of unrepairable networks that have the same topological structure , but the meaning of parameters in the polynomials is different , so many algorithms for reliability polynomial , can be extended to the calculation of availability 本文通過證明,可修復網絡可用度具有和拓撲不可修復網絡可靠度完全相同的多項式表達式,針對可靠度多項式的許多算法,可以推廣到可用度的計算。

This thesis introduces three new models for a single - unit markov repairable system , in which repair times that are sufficiently short ( less than some critical value ) do not result in system failure . we can say that such a repair interval is omitted from the downtime record 模型的建立主要是基于以下假設,一個系統中的某個部件(單元)發生故障,則立刻進行維修,如果在一個很短的時間內(在一個可接受的范圍)將此部件修復,那么可以認為這個部件的故障對系統的運行沒有影響。

Abstract : in this paper , the limiting distribution of the residual lifetime of discrete - time markovian repairable systems is shown to be a geometric distribution and then the crucial parameters of the geometric distributions for several special discrete - time markovian repairable systems are determined 文摘:本文對離散馬氏可修系統剩余壽命的極限分布進行了研究,指出此分布為幾何分布.同時,對一些特殊的馬氏可修系統給出其極限分布的參數,并給出了算例

In the chapter three , we discuss that the repairable queueing system m / g / 1 with two kinds of breakdown states ( normal and abnormal ) . normal breakdown is caused by the life termination of service station and abnormal breakdown results from the operation lapse 第三章討論了服務臺具有兩種故障狀態(正常和異常)的m g 1可修排隊系統。其中正常故障狀態是由于服務臺的壽命終止而引起系統失效;異常故障狀態是由于服務員操作失誤等其他原因而造成系統失效。

In the chapter 3 , we discussed the repairable m / g ( m / g ) / 1 queuing systems whose discipline of speed change is that if the number exceeds the threshold n at the moment of a customer leaving the system the speed - 2 should be used to serve the next customer otherwise the speed - 1 should be used 在本文第三章討論了服務臺在對某顧客服務完畢時依此刻系統中的顧客數是否超過門限n值而分別采用不同的服務速度服務后續顧客的可修m g ( m g ) 1排隊系統。

In this paper , we shall study the dependability of consecutive - n - 1 - out - of - n : g repairable system under the following respective assumptions : firstly , it is assumed that the life distribution and the repair distribution of each component are exponential distributions 本文對于n中取連續n - 1好系統分別在下述假設下進行可靠性研究: 1 :系統中的故障部件不可以修復如新,部件的壽命分布和維修時間分布均為指數分布,關鍵部件優先維修。

In the case of a general repairable model , there can be two types of failure : type failure ( a minor failure ) , which can be rectified by minimal repairs ; and type failure ( a catastrophic failure ) , which can be removed only by replacement 所謂廣義可修復性的模式,指的是產品的故障型態有兩種:一種是型故障(輕微性的故障) ,藉由小修理即可修復;另一種是型故障(嚴重性的故障) ,它只能藉由置換來解決。

Hardware services : giving advices on system configuration and hardware updating ; diagnosing , pin - pointing and obviating hardware failures ; repairing the repairable , giving advices on the replacement of the unrepairable ; purchasing and installing new components 硬件服務:系統配置建議;硬件升級建議;硬件故障診斷、定位、排除;可修復故障硬件的修復;不可修復故障硬件的更換建議及代購、安裝。

Much has been done concerning repairable queueing system m / g / 1 and plenty of results been obtained . but those results are mainly concerned with the situation of only two kinds of state ( work and breakdown ) 當前可修排隊系統的研究文獻很多,特別是人們對可修的m g 1排隊系統做了大量的研究工作,但其所研究的大多數排隊系統的服務臺只具有二種狀態即工作狀態和故障狀態。

The predicted reliability parameters of non - repairable system and repairable system were strictly distinguished . the availability of repaired instrument was first adopted in the analysis software developing , and the results were given 對不可修系統與可修系統的可靠性預測結果作了嚴格的區分,首次在軟件開發中考慮可用性概念,給出了可修系統在修復后的可用程度。

Currently a consensus has been reached in the neurology circle that spinal cord injuries are repairable , but the past studies had shortcomings such as defective experiment designing and unsatisfactory repeatability 目前神經科學界已經達成廣泛共識:脊髓損傷最終是可以修復的,但既往研究尚存在實驗設計上的缺陷、實驗結果不能很好的重復等問題。

The dependability of consecutive - k - out - of - n system has been investigated by many researchers so far , but they suppose that the system is not repairable or the failure units can be repaired as good as new 前人對該類系統的可靠性進行了不少研究,但他們側重于研究不可修復的n中取連續k系統以及故障部件可以修復如新的n中取連續k系統。

The simulation algorithm of probability of spares sufficiency for repairable item with degenerate performance is offered through simulating the process of use and maintain of components 摘要采用事件調度法的策略對裝備使用與維修過程進行仿真,給出了修復后性能下降的可修件在先換新件和先換舊件兩種策略下備件可用概率的仿真算法。

State - transferring diagram and transfer - probability matrix are the cruxes of solving the repairable compound system reliability . in the article , the author summarizes the basic theories and methods analyzing the system reliability 因此,畫出系統的狀態轉移圖和列出系統的轉移概率矩陣是求解可修混聯系統可靠性的關鍵。

Repairable systems reliability is an important branch of the reliability theory . for a repairable system , availability , reliability and mean time between failures are all important indexes 可修系統可靠性分析是可靠性理論的一個重要分支,對可修系統而言,可用度、可靠度、平均工作時間等都是其重要的性能指標。

In this paper , we study the cold redundant repairable system with two indentical components , obtain its existence and uniqueness of a dynamic state nonnegative solution by strongly continuous semigroup of operators theory 摘要用強連續算子半群理論給出了兩相同部件冷貯備可修系統動態非負解的存在唯一性證明。

If the building is repairable but the insured wishes it to be demolished , the amount equivalent to the building ' s repair costs is paid in full as soon as the building has been demolished 如果建筑物是可修復的,但被保險人希望拆除該建筑物,建筑物被拆除時立即支付相當于該建筑物修復成本的金額。

If the building is repairable and the insured decides to proceed with its repair , the amount may be paid either in full or in installments based on the progress of the repair works 如果建筑物是可修復的,被保險人決定繼續進行修復,賠償金額可以一次性支付或根據修復工程的進度分期支付。

The existence and asymptotic stability of a complex repairable deteriorating system was obtained by studying the spectrum characteristis of its primary operator 摘要研究了一類復雜可修退化系統,通過分析主算子的譜特征,給出了系統解的存在性,進而得到了該系統的漸近穩定性。