
repair n.1.(房屋、衣服等的)修理,修補;〔pl.〕修理工作...

repair planting

Having caused the mischief, he was now trying to repair it . 由于惹出了這場災禍,他現在正竭力設法在彌補。

As the sun drew near the horizon, he repaired to the rock . 當太陽西沉,快接近地平線時,他就向礁石靠近。

When the dyke was in danger , the whole village rushed out to repair it . 河堤出險,全村的人都趕去搶修。

The damage was such that it would cost too much money to repair . 損壞如此嚴重,要用很多錢才能修好。

These amateur repair jobs were an almost daily irritation . 這種業余修理工作幾乎每天都有,使人討厭。

And now you are ready to repair that injury, if possible ? 要是可能的話?現在你準備補救那種傷害嗎?

So we have to look to you to keep your fence in repair . 因此我們只得盼望你們經常修理你們的鐵絲網。

There was no apparent self-healing mechanism to repair the damage . 沒有自行愈合的機理來修復損傷。

An auto repair manual can tell how to tune up your car . 汽車維修手冊可以告訴你怎么修復你的車子。

He repaired to the house of a jew, a dealer in precious stones . 他走到一個經營珠寶的猶太人家里。

He must repair his fortunes, and succeed in the world . 他非得想法子補救補救,也好博個有名有利。

Repairs done while you wait . 立等可取。

The fact of the matter seems to be that inflammation and repair . 問題的實質,似乎是發炎和修復。

The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are carried out . 那屋頂在修理時要用東西支住。

It is apparent that the house was ruined beyond repair . 很明顯,房屋的破壞達到無法修復的程度。

Attendant : well , they are trying to repair it , sir . 服務員:這個,他們正在盡力修呢,先生。

Keep roads in repair . 保持道路的維修良好。

This house needs repair . 這個房子要修理了。

How much did the garage rush you for those repairs ? 為了那些修理,汽車修理廠敲了你多少錢?