
repaid repay 的過去式及過去分詞。


The firm repaid her hard work with a bonus 公司為她的辛勤勞動而發給其獎金。

How could i ever repay the happiness you give me 你給我的幸福難道我能報答得了嗎?

I wish i could repay you somehow for your kindness 我希望,對你的好意我能有所回報

How can i ever repay you for your kindness 我該怎樣才能報答您對我的好意呢?

The firm will repay you for your traveling cost 公司將會把你的差旅費付給你。

Thank you , gentlemen ! someday , i will repay you 謝謝你,紳士!總有一天我會報答你

The firm have to ~ heavily to repay its debts 那公司不得不借大量的錢來償還債務。

I wish i could repay you somehow for your kindness 但愿對你的好意我能有所回報

How can i repay you ? i owe you big time 我怎樣才能報答你啊?我是在欠你太多了

She says , for repaying the sins you had done in the past 她說你為了回報過去的過失

Such treachery should be repaid in specie 對這種奸詐應以同樣的方式加以回報。

Recognize , appreciate and repay your parents ' love 對父母要知恩、感恩、報恩。

I ' ll repay you all the money you lent me next week 我下周還你借給我的所有的錢。

I wish i could repay you somehow for your kindness 但愿對你的好意我能有所回報。

I wish i could repay you somehow for your kindness 我但愿能對你地好心有所回報。

Unlike a loan , a grant does not have to be repaid 不像貸款,補助金不需要還款。

Unlike a loan , a grant does not have to be repaid 與貸款不同,助學金無需償還。

Construction of adminstrative repay systems in our country 我國行政追償制度建構

And i repaid them by never returning the favour 我卻從來沒有對他們情誼做出回報