
repackage vt.(-aged; -ag-ing) 重新打包,重新包...


Iarino t ransportat ion has aohi eved groal . success in recent yours along wi in i ho development , and global i / al . ion of the world economic trade . whether ; he dove 1 opment of a port , which is lhe pivot , of goods i ntnsfor and repackage in wilier ? and transportation , can follow the steps of time , is of great concern with the existence and development of a port enterprise 近些年隨著世界經濟貿易的發展和全球化,海上運輸事業也不斷發展壯大,同時,作為貨物水陸換裝樞紐的港口,伴隨著時代的發展也發生著日新月異的變化,因此我們必須對港口企業的現狀和發展給予足夠的重視。

Moma ' s own publications are prominently featured , but the small selection of non - moma books in a narrow aisle between the potemkin bookcase and the front windows is devoted to a melange of gift books , monographs on evergreen subjects like van gogh , children ' s books and the sorts of snazzily designed “ surveys ” that repackage overly familiar art with as little text as possible 現代藝術博物館本身的出版物特征非常鮮明,但是在波坦金書架和前窗之間的狹窄的通道間有一小部分不是由現代藝術博物館出版的刊物,這些書混雜著寄贈書,關于一些永不過時像論凡高主題的專論,兒童書籍,還有種種趕時髦寫出的所謂“觀察”之類的書,這些書盡可能的以非主流的方式讓這里過分熟悉的藝術氣息煥然一新。

Logistics is a large and complicated system , especially all - round logistics system . logistics operation will produce a large of logistics information from every part of logistics activities , which include of information system , transportation , storage , distribution portage , package & repackage 物流系統是一個龐大復雜的系統,特別是全程物流,包括信息、運輸、倉儲、配送、搬運、包裝和物流再加工等諸多環節,每個環節信息流量十分巨大。

Banks may also choose to repackage part of their mortgage portfolios into back - to - back mortgage - backed securities with the hkmc providing a guarantee on timely repayment to remove the credit risk of the securitised portfolios 銀行亦可選擇將其部分按揭貸款組合重新包裝,成為背對背按揭證券,并由按揭證券公司提供按時還款擔保,以消除證券化組合的信貸風險。

In these cases , you can prevent your cab file from installing on the unsupported platforms that you specify , but to do so you must manually edit the inf file , then repackage the cab using command - line tools 在這些情況下,可以阻止cab文件安裝到指定的不受支持的平臺,但要實現此功能,必須手動編輯inf文件,然后使用命令行工具重新打包該cab 。

After the big piece of luggage ( so formed by small pieces of luggage ) has been examined and measured , the passenger shall not be allowed to repackage or re - group the big piece of luggage 當該件已組合之大型行李(由數件小型行李組合)經由本公司檢查及量度后,乘客不得重新包裝或組合。

It focus on the repackage and sales in china and south - east zone of industrial and electronic adhesives manufactured by parson adhesives inc 公司主要從事美國博森膠粘劑公司所生產的工業及電子等膠粘劑的分裝及負責在中國大陸、東南亞等地的銷售。

The internet has made it easy for would - be journalists to trawl information and repackage news 互聯網的出現,使那些自封為記者的人也很容易把搜羅來的信息重新包裝成一條條新聞。

Repackage application code , resources , and deployment information as j2ee applications 將應用程序代碼、資源和部署信息作為j2ee應用程序重新打包。

If you repackage the cab using visual studio , your changes will be overwritten 如果使用visual studio重新打包cab ,將會覆蓋所做的更改。

After all , cdos repackage existing securities and charge hefty fees for doing so 在評估活動中,這個因素就是評估本身的活動方式。

Repackage food to minimize waste 把垃圾量減至最低。