
rep n.【紡織;印染】棱紋平布。


We have sixteen reps in the field 我們有名現場代表。

Yemen ( rep . of ) - places in the former yemen arab republic 也門共和國-位于前阿拉伯也門共和國的地方

School rep . : well , again , it depends 學校代表:也不一定。

Rep : “ it was a six - page letter on internet security . 銷售人員: “是一封關于網絡安全的6頁長的信。 ”

Specs quoted by reps always exceed those by engineering 由代表提供的規格永遠超過那些由工程提供的。

Opening school management to construct talent training mode of rep 開放辦學構建產學研培養人才新模式

Sales rep : “ i see . what is it that you are considering ? 銷售人員: “我知道了。你考慮的是什么呢? ”

His rep called me up yesterday 他的業務代表昨天給我打過電話

Rep : i see myself as an encourager 我把自己看作一個鼓動者。

It ' s a speech for every sales rep in the northeast united states 這是給東北部的每個銷售代表的演講

Sales rep : “ i see . what is it that you are considering ? 業務員回答:我明白,那么你要考慮什么呢?

You ' re the government rep . tell them 告訴他們,你是政府的代表

Sales rep : “ hmm , what would make later a better time ? 銷售代表: “恩,為什么晚些時候更好呢? ”

Successful rep : accomplishes something on every call 成功的推銷員:每個電話都達到一定的效果。

For example , a rep might tell me he has good quality 例如,一個推銷員可能對我說他有好的質量。

What are their jobs ? are they mechanics or sales reps 他們是干什么的?是機械師還是銷售代表?

Supervise sales reps . to help them do better jobs 監督、指導銷售代表,使他們把工作做得更好。

He reps for two firm on commission 他是收兩家公司傭金的銷售代表。

I ' m gonna have to stab somebody or something . get my rep up 我該去捅個人,讓我的級別漲上去