
reorder n.再定貨。vt.1.再訂購,再定貨。2.重新整理;重新...


Gets or sets a value indicating whether drag - and - drop and item reordering are handled privately by the 獲取或設置一個值,該值指示是否由

When you invoke reorder parameters , the reorder parameters dialog box appears 調用“重新排列參數”時,將顯示“重新排列參數”對話框。

The according of this privilege may have something to do with reordering of priorities 這一特權的授予也許同輕重緩急的重新安排有關。

The product has only been on the market ten days and we are already getting reorders 這種產品上市僅十天,而我們已不斷收到再訂購單。

This can be due to the user reordering the column headers at run time when the 其原因可能在于用戶在運行時重新排列了列標頭的順序(當

Reorders faces to optimize for fewer attribute bundle state changes and enhanced 對面重新排序,以實現更少的屬性捆綁狀態更改和增強

How to : enable column reordering in the windows forms datagridview control 如何:啟用windows窗體datagridview控件中列的重新排序在

If required , reorder the applied device filters using the arrow buttons 使用向上鍵和向下鍵按鈕,對已應用的設備篩選器進行排序。

Window , but some features such as reordering the properties are not available 窗口,但某些功能(如對屬性進行重新排序)不可用。

How to : enable reordering of toolstrip items at run time in windows forms 如何:在windows窗體中啟用toolstrip項的運行時重新排序

Hide column , and you can also drag columns to reorder them in the viewer 隱藏分類,也可以通過在查看器中拖動列來將其重新排序。

Statusstrip items collection editor is used to add , remove , and reorder “ statusstrip項集合編輯器”用于添加、移除和重新排序

From which you can add , remove , and reorder items , and set properties ,可從該編輯器添加、移除和重新排序項,以及設置屬性。

Even across a merge , the metadata will not reorder the field definitions 即使在合并時,元數據也不重新排列字段定義的順序。

These user - interface elements support overflow and run - time item reordering 這些用戶界面元素支持溢出及運行時項重新排序。

Toolstrip items collection editor is used to add , remove , and reorder “ toolstrip項集合編輯器”用于添加、移除和重新排序

Never physically swap disks in an attempt to reorder the boot devices 不要試著通過物理地交換磁盤來重新排序引導設備。

Controls the reordering of mesh faces and vertices to optimize performance 控制網格平面和頂點的重新排序以優化性能。

State contains a binder - provided object that keeps track of argument reordering 的cookie ,并且表示一個不透明對象。