
reopen vt.1.再開,重開。2.再開始;重新進行(辯論、討論、...


Tender information of the reopening of 5 - year exchange fund notes : - 重開五年期外匯基金債券投標資料如下:

When it reopened , freezing point ran an essay that rebuked mr 再次復刊時,冰點刊發了一篇譴責袁的文章。

But the wound remains and will reopen at the first loss . 但傷口依然在那兒,一受損失便會舊病復發。 ”

If you accidentally close an open window , you can reopen it from the 如果意外關閉了打開的窗口,可以從

School officials say the goal is reopen the college in 2012 學校官方說:他們是為了在2012年重開學會。

The law court will reopen on monday 法庭將于星期一再開庭。

The murder trial was reopened 這件謀殺案的審訊重新開始了。

And tells me not to reopen the case 告訴叫我別再管你的案子

However , when you close and reopen the solution , the 但是,當您關閉再重新打開解決方案時,將不再引發

School / parliament reopens next week 下周學校復課[議會復會]

World trade centre reopens in causeway bay after renovations 銅鑼灣世貿中心商場完成翻新后開業。

Art . - yes , they reopened it last year 藝術對,他們明年重新開張

The exhibition dosed for a time , but it ' ll reopen next week 展覽會暫時關閉,但下星期還將重開。

Tender result of the reopening of 5 - year exchange fund notes 重開年期外匯基金債券投標結果如下

Try block that attempts to reopen the file would fail if 塊中嘗試重新打開文件的代碼就會失敗。

However , the user can reopen the connection and continue 但是,用戶可以重新打開連接并繼續。

If mistakes can point lower right yellow button reopened 如果失誤可以點右下角黃色按鈕重來。

Issue number : 5809 reopen issue date : 25 july 2005 發行號碼:重開

Solar telescope in the hall of astronomy has been reopened 天文展覽廳展品太陽望遠鏡重新開放