
reoccupy vt.(-pied)1.再占領,收復;再占用;再住。2....


Law of coloring of change orchid family name , can be bacterial cent two kinds big : use method of this kind of coloring , it is to use gentian to catch a bug first , all bacteria caught purple , besmear again next with iodic fluid , will strengthen the tie of dye and bacterium body , the alcohol of 95 comes to reoccupy decolour 20 30 seconds , some bacteria not by decolour , still withhold purple , some bacteria are become by decolour colorless , reoccupy answer is red finally answer catch 1 minute , the result already was caught by the bacterium of decolour cheng gong is lubricious , not the bacterium of decolour still keeps purple , no longer chromatic , such , every is caught purple bacterium calls bacterium of positive of change orchid family name ; ran chenggong calls bacterium of negative of change orchid family name lubriciously 革蘭氏染色法,能夠把細菌分為兩大類:采用這種染色方法,是先用龍膽紫來染病菌,所有細菌都染成了紫色,然后再涂以碘液,來加強染料與菌體的結合,再用95的酒精來脫色20 30秒鐘,有些細菌不被脫色,仍保留紫色,有些細菌被脫色變成無色,最后再用復紅復染1分鐘,結果已被脫色的細菌被染成紅色,未脫色的細菌仍然保持紫色,不再著色,這樣,凡被染成紫色的細菌稱為革蘭氏陽性菌;染成紅色的稱為革蘭氏陰性菌。

Be the estimate of of short duration that should have inventory and cost by appraisal , rubric of the reoccupy at the beginning of next month is strong smooth , the amount that if take , presses income bill again to income bill according to the facts not zhang is contradictory not at all 是要按估價進行庫存及成本的暫估的,下月初再用紅字沖平嘛,假如拿到進項發票再按進項發票的金額如實不賬一點也不矛盾的

The performance characteristics that should check this ct machine above all is normal , should see its become next clear like the picture accurate , regard the medical apparatus and instruments that is washed out as processing otherwise , cannot reoccupy 首先要檢查這臺ct機的使用性能是否完全正常,其次要看其成像圖片是否清楚準確,否則作為被淘汰的醫療器械處理,不能再用。

Enjoying you is so comfortable so : grasp your body with the hand first , reoccupy force opens your mouth of a cave , insert me to grow long pipe next , or with double lip epispastic the liquid inside your body . . . ah , that feels zhen shuang 享受你原來是那么舒服:先用手抓住你的身體,再用力打開你的洞口,然后插入我長長的管子,或用雙唇吸出你體內的液體… …啊,那感覺真爽!

When undertaking alexipharmic to contaminative birdhouse , must clean with eradicator first with defecate , solution of accept of second chloric acid disinfects reoccupy , use formalin and potassium permanganate fumigation finally 對污染的禽舍進行消毒時,必須先用去污劑清洗以除去污物,再用次氯酸納溶液消毒,最后用福爾馬林和高錳酸鉀熏蒸消毒。

Modernist school painter : they pour dye on canvas , next reoccupy dishcloth obliterates dye , the classic that they sell them finally - - dishcloth 現代派畫家:他們把顏料倒在畫布上,然后再用抹布將顏料擦去,最后他們出售他們的杰作抹布。

It is ok to had not heard of the face film of thin face , just be done according to mine first , appeared new product when your reoccupy ah 還沒有聽說可以瘦臉的面膜,先照著我的方做吧,出現了新產品的時候你再用吧呵呵!

When you got money , get online password of the reoccupy after affirming pays , ability is paid truly in those days , do not belong to you 等到你收到了貨,上網確認后再用密碼付款,那時才能真正付出去了,就不屬于你的了。

Is my present problem how can you allow the bank on my net in the construction bank on shenyang reoccupy 我現在的問題是怎么能讓我在沈陽再用上建行的網上銀行啊?

If was done , turn mortgage , ok still is reoccupy accumulation fund buying a house 假如做了轉按揭,還可以再用公積金在購買房子嗎?

Lupin will not reoccupy his role as defense against the dark arts teacher 盧平不會重回霍格沃茲作為黑魔法防御術的教師