
renvoi n.(政府對外國人,特別是外交官)驅逐出境。


The paper major point is to turn deprives the political right into deprives the public right and to perfect the renvoi punishment . at the same time to establish the rehabilitation and the commute 本文認為,應該將剝奪政治權利改為剝奪公權,要完善驅逐出境制度。同時要完善資格刑的相關制度,如復權制度和減刑制度。

In the second chapter , the author carries on the analysis in a view of theory and practice on the problems of depriving political rights and the problems of renvoi 第二章對現有資格刑中的剝奪政治權利和驅逐出境在理論與實踐上存在的問題進行了剖析。

Renvoi exists the following problems : its suitable object is not clear and its suitable deadline is unreasonable 驅逐出境存在的問題有:適用對象不明確、適用期限不合理。