
renunciation n.1.放棄;拋棄,廢棄;棄權;否認狀;【法律】(對權利...


But now that she was stung to a fever by izz s tale there was a limit to her powers of renunciation 但是現在伊茨的故事刺激了她,才使她感到她忍耐的程度是有限度的。

If the application for renunciation of chinese nationality is not approved , you will remain a chinese national 如你的退出中國國籍申請不獲批準,你仍然是中國公民。

Tells you the consequence of renunciation of chinese nationality in relation to the right of abode in hong kong 四、退出中國國籍后對于你的香港居留權的影響

This form is applicable to renunciation of chinese nationality submitted by overseas hong kong residents 本表格適用于居住海外的香港居民申請退出中國國籍。

“ all things hinge upon your hearty renunciation of everything which you are aware does not lead to god 凡是從心里棄絕一切的事,并不能把你帶到神面前。

A successful applicant will be issued with a certificate of renunciation of chinese nationality 當你的申請獲得批準,你將獲發退出中國國籍證書。

A successful applicant will be issued with a certificate of renunciation of chinese nationality 如你申請獲得批準,你將獲發退出中國國籍證書。

4 . will renunciation of chinese nationality affect your right of abode in hong kong 四、退出中國國籍會否對你在香港特別行政區的居留權有影響?

Will renunciation of chinese nationality affect your right of abode in hong kong 四、退出中國國籍會否對你在香港特別行政區的居留權有影響?

632 true renunciation four - day retreat at the florida center , usa february 13 16 , 1999 真正的放下第一集美國佛州道場禪四1999 . 2 . 13 16

He had been impressed by their devotion and purity , their self - control and renunciation 他被他們的熱情和純潔,自制和棄絕所吸引。

You are the caretaker of this family for god s sake ; that s also renunciation 我們要放下對世界的欲望,而不是放棄這個世界。

A guide for overseas applicants - renunciation of chinese nationality id 924a 退出中國國籍-海外申請手續說明書[ id924a ]

True renunciation part 1 真正的放下第一集

A guide for overseas applicants - renunciation of chinese nationality id 924a 退出中國國籍海外申請手續說明書id924a

The application fee for renunciation of chinese nationality is hk 575 申請退出中國國籍的費用為港幣五百七十五元。

Application for acquisition , renunciation and restoration of chinese nationality 申請加入、退出及恢復中國國籍

Application for acquisition , renunciation and restoration of chinese nationality -申請加入退出及恢復中國國籍

Don t be attached to renunciation 放下對出家的執著