
renumber vt.重編…的號碼,給…重標號碼。


Directives to the output at the beginning and end of each included file and around lines removed by preprocessor directives for conditional compilation . these directives renumber the lines of the preprocessed file 指令添加到輸出中,添加的位置是每個包含文件的開頭和結尾以及被條件編譯預處理器指令移除的行的周圍。

When you enter a new task , microsoft project does not automatically renumber the wbs codes of existing tasks , but if you want to , you can renumber a selection of tasks , or the whole project 輸入新任務時, microsoftproject不會自動重新編排已有任務的wbs代碼,但是如果需要,可重新為選定的任務或整個項目編號。

Instead we say if a household bureau has already decided they must renumber , then at least do it right this time so there need not be a next time 我們是被動的:既然戶政事務所已下決定某路要整編,那麼這次整編好一點,就不需要個下次了。

One big advantage for programmers is that they can include sections of content in a document without the need to renumber heading levels 對程序員來說,一個很大的好處是可以在文檔中包含內容章節,而不需要重新編碼標題層次。

5 . to permanently renumber your tasks based on the new sort order , select the permanently renumber tasks check box 5 。為永久地保持按該排序順序,并對任務進行的重新編號,請選中“重新編號任務”復選框。

Microsoft project uses the first task in the selection as the reference by which to renumber the other tasks in the selection Microsoftproject用選定區域中的第一項任務作為基準對其他任務進行重新編號。

You can renumber your tasks only if you select the keep outline structure check box first 只有在選中“保持大綱結構”復選框后,才能對任務重新編號。

These directives renumber the lines of the preprocessed file 這些指令將預處理文件中的行重新編號。