
renter n.承租人,租戶,佃戶,房客;〔美國〕(一般)出租人;租...


Article 28 publishers or producers of software copies who fail to offer evidences to prove official authorization for their publication or production , or distributors or renters who fail to offer evidences to prove the legal sources for their distribution and rental , shall bear legal responsibility 第二十八條軟件復制品的出版者、制作者不能證明其出版、制作有合法授權的,或者軟件復制品的發行者、出租者不能證明其發行、出租的復制品有合法來源的,應當承擔法律責任。

A small , low door gave egress from the walled space we have been describing into the projected street , the ground having been abandoned as unproductive by its various renters , and had now fallen so completely in general estimation as to return not even the one - half per cent it had originally paid 它和那條規劃中的街道有一扇矮矮的小門相通著,開門進來,便是這塊籬笆圍住的荒地,盡管是荒地,一星期之前,業主卻從它身上得回了千分之五的老本,而以前它是一個子都不賺的。

A renter aged 18 or above may apply for renting a safe deposit box against his or her valid credentials ( for a unit renter , with the seal of the unit and signet of its legal representative affixed ) , filling in the application for renting safe deposit box , and voluntarily signing a box renting contract with the bank 租借人, 18歲(含)以上,可憑有效身份證件(租借單位,附加蓋單位印鑒和法人代表章的證明)填寫租借保管箱申請書,與銀行簽訂《保管箱租借合同》后,即可租用保管箱。

Party b / renter / tenant is responsible for the management and the charges of cleaning , environment protection , security , fire precaution and the maintenance & servicing of e & m equipments and others building services facilities which belonged to the party b / renter / tenant in the leasing area 六、乙方應做好租賃房屋的維護保養工作,杜絕放置及使用一切危害樓宇安全的各類危險品,定期對租賃物業進行專項安全檢查,同時配合甲方進行相關物業的安全檢查,發現問題應立即整改。

Party b / renter / tenant is responsible for the management and the charges of cleaning , environment protection , security , fire precaution and the maintenance & servicing of e & m equipments and others building services facilities which belonged to the party b / renter / tenant in the leasing area 五、乙方自行負責租賃范圍內的清潔、環保、保安、消防、屬于乙方的機電設備及其他設施的維修、保養及由此產生的費用。

In current in effect laws of our country , there are some sporadic regulations about the preemptive right of renter , part owner , copartner and shareholder , but have n ' t formed an uniform legal system about it 我國現行法律中有房屋承租人先買權、共有人先買權、合伙人先買權、股東先買權等具體先買權的分散規定,但迄未形成統一的先買權法律制度。

D issuing an authorisation for removal from bank deposit box to enable the estate beneficiaries or the surviving renters to remove specified document or article from the safe deposit box 丁發出自銀行保管箱取去物品授權書,讓遺產受益人或尚存租用人從銀行保管箱取去指明的文件或物品。

Hertz provides no liability protection under the terms of the rental agreement to the renter from claims of injury by others against you resulting from an accident 其他公司也相同,道理很簡單。法律沒規定要提供的服務,就不會有人主動免費提供。否則就無法將利潤最佳化。

For renters , we are committed to giving the highest priority to families in genuine need by providing housing at reasonable rents to those who cannot afford any other type of housing 租住者方面,我們承諾盡快為無能力負擔其他住屋的家庭提供租金合理的房屋。

For example , the preemptive right of renter has the effectiveness of real right , while the preemptive right of part owner has only the effectiveness of claim 有的具有物權效力,如承租人的先買權;有的僅具有債權效力,如共有人的先買權。

However , in certain states the renter s legal spouse is considered an authorized operator and may operate the vehicle with permission from the renter 但部份國家亦視承租者的合法配偶為授權使用者,在獲得承租者同意下可以駕駛車輛。

They are mostly public block renters in areas including wo che in shatin ( the earliest development in shatin ) , fu shan , lok man sun chuen , cheung ching 就以沙田和? ? (沙田最早期發展的區域) 、富山? 、長青? 、愛民? 、樂民新?為例。

Safe deposit box is a kind of service rendered by the bank that keeps valuables for the renter in the form of renting safe deposit box 保管箱租賃業務是銀行接受客戶的委托,以出租保管箱的形式代客戶保管貴重物品的一項服務業務。

Girls with an upcoming television youth director marriage , unwilling to live with his mother in a shabby house , he came here renters 姑娘即將同一位電視臺的青年導演結婚,因不愿與母親住在一套簡陋的房子里,也來到這里租房。

Whether you are a renter or a landlord or property manager , you are most welcome to contact us with any questions or service required 不論你是租客還是業主或物業,如果你有任何問題或需要任何服務,我們都歡迎你聯系我們。

The author made a detailed description on the operation and economic lives of both the landlords and their renters in suchou then 作者對清末與民初的江南蘇州地區地主租棧的運作以及地主與佃戶的經濟生活作了細致描述。

They are entirely public block renters . such areas include choi yuen off sheung shui , chueng wah in fanling , butterfly , shan king in tuen mun 就以上水彩園? 、粉嶺祥華? 、屯門蝴蝶? 、山景? 、青衣長亨?為例。

The rental price of 90 dollars included delivery and pick - up . for an additional fee , city workers would plant the tree in the renter ' s yard 據悉,每棵圣誕樹的租金為90美元,其中包括郵寄費和運費。

Party b / renter / tenant is allowed to use building staircases and the south entrance elevator for their access to their leasing area 七、乙方可以使用大樓步行樓梯,南門電梯作為進出租賃范圍的通道。