
rental n.地租總額;租金總額,租費,收入;〔罕用語〕租折,租冊...

rental condominium

Those organizations that pay monthly rental e . g . , 每月都付固定租金的社團

You park the rental car in that lot , right over there 你把租來的車停在那邊,就在那里

Ignore it . it ' s a rental . - do you smell anything 別理它了,反正是租的-聞到什么了嗎

The amount of rental income received by you and your wife ; and 你和你的配偶的租金收入

I decided to rent a car from a car rental company 于是我決定向汽車租賃公司租部車子。

Waiting time for the allocation of public rental housing flats 輪候編配公屋單位的時間

It ' s a rental and this bad boy is clean 車是租來的,而且這家伙手腳很干凈

Don ' t worry , your rental insurance should take care of it 別擔心,你的租車保險會賠的

The manage system of equipment rental information based on . net 的機械租賃信息管理系統

Production , sale , rental or use of an air compressor 制造、經銷、出租或使用空氣壓縮機

These rental ski boots are a little small for me 這些出租的滑雪鞋有點緊。

The service fee is around 2 % of the monthly rental 管理費用是月租金的2 % 。

Review the rentals of public rental housing units 檢討公共租住屋單位的租金

Party b shall pay the rental and other fees in time 乙方應按期交納租金及其他費用。

Free delivery and collection for monthly rentals 月租可享免費送車及交車服務

Home ownership scheme public rental housing transfer 居屋與租住公屋互換用途

Issue the receipt of deposit money and rental money 開具保證金及租金收據。

Look . it ' s the guy from the car rental . - i know 瞧,被我們撞到的家伙-沒錯

Construction machinery rental management system based on web 的施工機械租賃管理系統