
rentable adj.可出租的,可租借的。


Hong kong - - the international exhibition city in china the hong kong convention and exhibition centre ( hkcec ) , asia s largest award - winning exhibition and convention facility , offers over 64 , 000 square metres of premier rentable space , state - of - the - art technology and unbeatable service expertise 作為亞太區內屢獲殊榮的最大展覽及會議場地,香港會議展覽中心(簡稱會展中心)可為客戶提供面積超逾64 , 000平方米的租用場地、先進的操作技術及一級的專業服務。

The hkcec stretches over 248 , 000 sq m , with 64 , 000 sq m of rentable function space , and can be configured for exhibitions , conferences , meetings , banquets , corporate events , entertainment and special events . says managing director cliff wallace , “ since the hkcec s opening in 1988 , nearly 30 , 000 events have been held at the centre , utilising more than 111 million sq m , with total attendance exceeding 40 million 會展中心總面積達24萬8千平方米,其中6萬4千平方米可供租用進行大小型展覽、會議、宴會、商務活動及文娛活動等等。董事總經理王禮仕先生表示:自1988年會展中心開幕至今,共舉行了超過三萬項活動,總使用面積逾1億1千1百萬平方米,總出席人次超過四千萬。

Hong kong - the international exhibition city in china the hong kong convention and exhibition centre hkcec , asia s largest award - winning exhibition and convention facility , offers over 64 , 000 square metres of premier rentable space , state - of - the - art technology and unbeatable service expertise 作為亞太區內屢獲殊榮的最大展覽及會議場地,香港會議展覽中心(簡稱會展中心)可為客戶提供面積超逾64 , 000平方米的租用場地、先進的操作技術及一級的專業服務。

The hong kong convention and exhibition centre ( hkcec ) with 64 , 000 square metres of rentable function space , was very honoured to have won two prestigious international awards recently - the m & c asiapacific gold awards 1999 and the ima mice awards 1999 占有多達六萬四千平方米租用面積的香港會議展覽中心最近相繼獲得兩個國際大獎:一九九九年度業界金獎及一九九九亞洲獎勵旅游及會議大獎。

The six part puts forward the design principles and studies the design methods that adapt to the settlement pattern of the floating population . the thesis also takes the chongqing rentable housing and the rebuilding of shenzhen fisherman ' s village as the research cases 第六部分:提出流動人口住居設計的原則,探討適合流動人口生活模式的住宅設計手法,并以重慶可出租住宅和深圳漁民村改造為實例。

The hong kong convention and exhibition centre hkcec with 64 , 000 square metres of rentable function space , was very honoured to have won two prestigious international awards recently - the m c asia pacific gold awards 1999 and the ima mice awards 1999 占有多達六萬四千平方米租用面積的香港會議展覽中心最近相繼獲得兩個國際大獎:一九九九年度業界金獎及一九九九亞洲獎勵旅游及會議大獎。

Upon the completion in 2009 , the expansion will add 19 , 400 sq m to the hkcec bringing total exhibition space to nearly 83 , 000 sq m and total rentable function space close to 90 , 000 sq m 工程將于2009年竣工,屆時將為會展中心增加19 , 400平方米的展覽場地,使展覽場地增至83 , 000平方米,而中心可租用的總面積將接近九萬平方米。

The hkcec , the largest award - winning multi - purpose facility in asia , possesses a total area of 248 , 000 sq m with 64 , 000 sq m rentable function space 會展中心是亞洲區內屢獲殊榮的最大展覽及會議場地。中心總面積達248 , 000平方米;其中64 , 000平方米可供租用。

Square metres of rentable function space , was very honoured to have won two prestigious international awards recently - the m & c asiapacific gold 近相繼獲得兩個國際大獎:一九九九年度業界金獎及