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rent service 【歷史】地租服役;代替租金的勞役。

rent strike

However along with flow of time , the environment outside the inside of suanlin village took place great changes . it ' s hard for it ' s main development mode that depends on the overseas chineses “ contribution to continue . depending on the oversea rent service suanling village realizes wealthy , but at the same time , the economy inside the village almost sinks in paralyze 然而隨著時間的推移,蒜嶺村的內外環境都發生了巨大變遷。以往主要依靠僑胞捐助搞建設的發展模式已難以為繼;而村莊在依靠海外勞務實現富裕的同時,村內經濟卻幾乎陷于癱瘓;村民的思想觀念也發生了巨大變化。

Withal , the suanling village must enhance the management of the donation from the overseas chinese to make efficient use of it . and must enhance the strenght in the economy increases of the village . push forward harmonious development which constituted by the oversea rent service economy and the economy in inside in village . realize overseas chinese home town village economy transfer to the inside - outside combinative of diversified development . base on this , change the spirit feature of the village people . eventually realize the village economy and society develop coordinately and harmoniously 對此,蒜嶺村應加強對以往僑捐項目和工程的管理和利用,大力提高僑力資源的利用效率;同時要著力于村內經濟增長實力的培育,推進海外勞務經濟與村內經濟的協調發展,實現僑鄉經濟向著內外結合的多元化發展模式轉型;并在此基礎上,改變村民精神面貌,最終實現村莊經濟與社會的協調全面發展。

Provide long - term renting service according to the client ' s request ; purchase new car for the clients ' demand ; provide long - term and short - term renting service ; provide regular bus service , conference vehicles , picking up and sending off service and so on ; provide comprehensive service for your itinerary 根據客戶指定車型長期包租,本公司可購置新車為客戶服務;提供長期、短期租車;班車;會議用車;機場接送等服務,并為您的行程提供全面服務。

Professional leading vehicle renting service for business , airport pick up , conference and exhibition , traveling , weddings , company work and enterprise long and short period leasing trade , etc 專業為您及貴司提供各高級轎車之商務,機場接機、會議展覽、旅游、婚慶、公司上下班及企業長、短租用車接送等專業優質汽車租賃服務業務。

Suanling village still continues the tradition in emigrant . under the help from overseas chinese , suanling village realized jumping up type of development , and formed the economic mode with oversea rent service for a pillar 在海外僑胞的大力捐助下,蒜嶺村的建設實現了跳躍式發展,并形成了以海外勞務為支柱的經濟形態。

If you do not have deposit in the e - purse account or not transfer the deposit to online payment account , you will not be able to access the locker renting service system 如果電子錢包沒有存款或者沒有轉賬至網上支付戶口,將不能進入儲物箱租借服務網頁。

Tianjin ane househunting and consultant company is a comprehensive consulting service company , supplying renting services mainly for foreigners 天津市安逸房地產信息咨詢有限公司是一家主要從事涉外房屋租賃的綜合性咨詢、服務公司。

Sundries and many goods are transported to pulau ketam daily . speed boat renting services is also available Alam flora于一九九八年十二月初開始為島提供垃圾處理工作。

We can also offer coffee machines for renting service during exhibition period 本公司同時提供各類展會期間咖啡機的租借服務,詳情歡迎來電垂詢。

Mechanism research based on the analytical rent service business enterprise of the cost and the benefit 基于成本與效益分析的勞務企業運行機制

Log on the locker renting service system ( using the siweb username and password ) 登入儲物箱租借服務網頁(使用學生資訊網上服務帳戶及密碼) 。

Include rent service , per hour 另設租車服務,每小時

The hotel also offers ticket agency , car renting service and so on 服務臺設有購票租車等服務。