
renowned adj.有名的,著名的,有聲望的。


A man of renowned power or authority 王握有權柄或有權威的男子

1 our team won the contract with a renowned ad company 我們的團隊贏得了一家知名廣告公司的合約。

Important vintage and contemporary works by renowned photographers 蔡老師教你學插花布藝刺繡!

Royal street is world - renowned for its connoisseur - class antique shops 象征被用做明信片的封面。

Hong kong is renowned for its vibrant international airport 本港的國際機場以客量大和繁忙著稱。

She ' s a renowned landscape painter 她是一位很有名的風景畫畫家。

Ms ella koon and other renowned artists 官恩娜小姐及其他著名歌星

Chinese three kingdoms time renowned strategist , statesman 中國三國時期著名的軍事家、政治家。

To supreme master ching hai world - renowned humanitarian 以表彰無上師為世人所周知的博愛奉獻,

Beijing is a culturally renowned city with a long history 北京是一個擁有悠久歷史的文化名城。

( woman ) ' the body of internationally renowned author anna rivers “昨晚,一名保安在例行巡邏時

In this field has made webranking renowned and 在這個專業領域里,使得webranking成為具知名度及

Woman ' the body of internationally renowned author anna rivers “昨晚,一名保安在例行巡邏時

Renowned art film director and cartoonist 著名美術片導演、漫畫家。

Hetian has long been renowned for its carpets 和田地毯一向很出名。

Fruit has been sourced from our most renowned growing regions 可以即飲,也可以配餐飲用。

The academy ' s world - renowned statuette was born 該藝術科學院舉世聞名的小雕像就此誕生了。

I wanted to become a world renowned designer 我想成為世界知名的設計師

Internationally renowned scholar professor pai hsien - yung -白先勇教授