
renown n.1.聲譽,名望,聲望。2.〔古語〕傳說,傳聞。短語和...


An economist of world renown , professor mirrlees has special interest in taxation , and development economics . a new book the mirrlees report on tax systems 莫理斯教授近年專注中國經濟研究,尤其中國的社會保障及養老制度,從事大量研究工作,影響深遠。

But thou didst trust in thine own beauty , and playedst the harlot because of thy renown , and pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by ; his it was 15只是你仗著自己的美貌,又因你的名聲就行邪淫。你縱情淫亂,使過路的任意而行。

And i will raise up for them a plant of renown , and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land , neither bear the shame of the heathen any more 結34 : 29我必給他們興起有名的植物他們在境內不再為饑荒所滅、也不再受外邦人的羞辱。

Deliberately designed to depict the discerning lifestyle of metropolitan executives , the new showflats of renown are at units a , b , and c on the 50th floor 全新的名匯裝修示范單位設于50樓a b及c單位,展現大都會行政人員富品味的生活格調。

Tokyo paulownia ( a type of tree ) chests are renown for their moisture - repelling and fire - resistant qualities , and are built to be sturdy yet delicate 東京桐木衣柜具有優異的防潮、耐火性能、且做工牢固考究、最適合保存裝納貴重物品。

The properties are near the olympic mtr station in west kowloon . luxury reaches to 48 storeys with 153 units , while renown goes 56 storeys with 368 units 位于西九奧運站的豪華府邸豪匯和名匯,分別樓高48及53層,各提供153和368個單位。

And thy renown went forth among the heathen for thy beauty : for it was perfect through my comeliness , which i had put upon thee , saith the lord god 14你美貌的名聲傳在列邦中,你十分美貌,是因我加在你身上的威榮。這是主耶和華說的。

Luxury and renown welcome japanese buyers with japanese - speaking concierges trained by pasona education and japanese - language tv and sales promotions 拍pasona education提供日語禮賓司管理服務培訓全港罕有在物業設置nhk衛星頻道

Towering high above west kowloon station , “ luxury “ and “ renown “ will rise to 48 and 53 floors and provide 153 and 368 units respectively 位于西九地鐵上蓋的豪華府邸豪匯和名匯,分別樓高48及53層,各提供153和368個單位。

Those who sit under his shade will return ; they will revive like grain and will bud like the vine ; his renown will be like the wine of lebanon 7曾坐在他蔭下的必歸回,發旺如五谷,開花如葡萄樹;他的名聲如利巴嫩的酒。

Those who live in his shadow will again raise grain , and they will blossom like the vine . his renown will be like the wine of lebanon 何14 : 7曾住在他蔭下的必歸回、發旺如五谷、開花如葡萄樹他的香氣如利巴嫩的酒。

Ah the renown language that fly : ah the lubricious way that anger of a kind of sadness shows in flying look : my blame of 啊飛的名語:啊飛目光中露出一種悲傷憤怒之色道:我和別人不同,我非成名不可,不成名我只有死

There is the highest number of centenarians living in shizuoka town , a place renown for its green tea production . japan green tea 在茶葉的制造過程中,茶的內部成分會因不同的變化而形成發酵茶不發酵茶和半發酵茶。

Male crab dark purple , have pale lubricious yun ban , “ beautiful crab “ renown from this and come , female crab is color of color of loess more 雄蟹暗紫色,有青白色云斑, “花蟹”之名由此而來,雌蟹則多為土黃色。

Towering high above west kowloon , “ luxury “ and “ renown “ rise to 48 and 53 floors and provide 153 and 368 units respectively 位于西九地鐵上蓋的豪華府邸豪匯和名匯,分別樓高48及53層,各提供153和368個單位。

The products have attained renown from domestic and international customers , and have been sold in europe , america and southeast asia 其優質的紡織產品主要銷往歐美、東南亞地區,且贏得了國內外眾多客戶的青瞇。

The two blocks tower above west kowloon station , with 48 floors and 153 units in luxury and 53 floors and 368 units in renown 位于西九地鐵上蓋的豪華府邸豪匯和名匯,分別樓高48及53層,各提供153和368個單位。

Yes , lord , walking in the way of your laws , we wait for you ; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts 8耶和華阿,我們在你行審判的路上等候你。我們心里所羨慕的是你的名,就是你那可記念的名。

Towering high above west kowloon station , luxury will rise to 48 floors with 153 units and renown 53 floors with 368 units 位于西九的豪華府邸豪匯和名匯,分別樓高48及53層,各提供153和368個單位。