
renovation n.1.革新;更新,復壯。2.修理,修補。3.清掃。n....


Joining wto and administration leader ' s idea renovation 加入世貿組織與行政領導者的觀念更新

The whole renovation will last for two years 整個修復工程為期兩年。

Analysis of the renovation to russia electric power markets 社會的權力關系調整和制度性創新

Renovation of chinese government ' s poverty alleviation mechanism 我國政府扶貧機制再造研究

Embedding renovation education in mathematics classroom teaching 寓創新教育于數學課堂教學

All these have been preserved carefully during its renovation 修葺之時,力求保存其原貌。

Interior renovation design for chongqing people ' s great hall 重慶市人民大禮堂內部改建設計

Social different stratum ' s benefit relationship and renovation 社會各階層利益關系及其整合

Primary analysis on main steam temperature automatic renovation 火電廠主汽溫自動整治淺析

Hotel renovation grandiose , advanced equipment perfect 酒店裝修富麗堂皇,設備先進完美。

Renovation is the essence of education and reform 變式教學的認識與實踐

On social transformation and value renovation 論社會轉型與價值觀念更新

Renovation of the governance structure of private enterprises 民營企業的治理結構需要創新

Lam is hiding in a studio city under renovation 林仁躲在裝修的影視城。

Renovation of the flotational flow sheet in tongkuangyu mine 銅礦峪礦浮選工藝流程的改造

What ? under renovation ? that ' s great , then 什么?在裝修?那好,就這樣了

Re - discussion on problems about state ' s renovation system 關于國家創新體系問題的再探討

When your renovation has been completed you should 完成裝修工程后,應該采取以下措施:

Renovation work in phases at yuen long public library 元朗公共圖書館分階段進行翻新工程