
renovate vt.1.弄新,刷新,革新;翻新;重做,改做,再制。2....


A : we just finished ( rebuilding / remodeling / renovating ) everything 我們剛剛(改建完/重建完/修復完)這些。

New renovated student centres 新/翻新的學生活動中心

He renovates the former system 他革新了以往的體制。

Clear toxin dispel pox renovate cream 清毒祛痘修復霜

So , as you can see , they ' ve started renovating the master bedroom 如你所見,他們已經開始著手翻修主臥室了

Renovate teaching methods c 第三,改革考評辦法等。

You will have excellent ideas for changing or renovating your home 你在家居風格的變換上有很多不錯的創意。

The fresh air renovated him 新鮮的空氣使他煥然一新。

Renovating of plug - in valve in hydraulic system for vertical broaching machine 立式拉床液壓系統插裝閥改造

Ideas , law and experience about renovating 規律與經驗

They ' re renovating my office , changing the air - conditioning and . . 他們正在更新我的辦公室,換空調和。 。 。

To renovate , lots of efforts are required to deal with the difficulties 要變革就是要花力氣對付困難。

Renovate the teaching material , b 第二,改變教學方式。

The process for renovating acetone stripper system is described 介紹了丙酮汽提塔系統的工藝改造過程。

The development of globalization calls forth renovated thinking method 全球化的發展呼喚思維方式更新

Mom said she was renovating a condo 媽媽說她在裝修新的公寓

Clear toxin dispel pox renovate milk liquid 清毒祛痘修復乳液

Mrs . nikzad : i understand his store is being renovated next week 我聽說他的商店下個星期要整修內部

Renovating technology study of circumference cutting bit for shield machine 盾構周邊刀修復技術研究