
renounce vt.1.拋棄,放棄,背棄。2.不承認,否認;與(兒子等...


Therefore i vow to renounce life and death hsin dien , formosa june 6 7 , 1987 楞嚴經卷一如是我聞故我發心,愿舍生死

They want to renounce the pacifist constitution foisted on japan by america 他們想廢棄美國強加給日本的和平憲法。

Said by : voltaire when asked by a priest to renounce satan 出自:伏爾泰,他臨終前,一位牧師請他與撒旦斷絕關系。

He added that hamas must still renounce violence and recognize israel 他還說,哈馬斯必須譴責暴力,承認以色列。

Renounce all that disturbs its peace . if you want peace , deserve it 舍棄一切干擾平靜的。你若要平靜,便當配之。

Chinese national , you can renounce your chinese nationality if 如你是中國公民并符合以下條件者,可退出中國國籍:

We should renounce everything , even our happiness , and then well be fine 任何都放下,連快樂也不要,就沒事了。

Q : must i not renounce every thing first , and live a homeless life 我莫非先得放棄一切,過著無家可歸的生活

W e renounce the desire for the world , but not the world itself 們要放下對世界的欲望,而不是放棄這個世界。

I assure you , my lord , i have never renounced the old ways 我會證明給您看的,我的主人我從來沒有改換門庭

Renouncing deception and wrongdoing 戒除欺騙和惡行。

Are they both yours to renounce ? france may be , but is the property “家產和法國是你的么,你憑什么放棄?

Must i not renounce every thing first , and live a homeless life 我莫非先得放棄一切,過著無家可歸的生活

The barrister entirely renounce his right to object to a juror 這位律師完全放棄了反對陪審團員的權力。

How to renounce chinese nationality 二、如何退出中國國籍

He renounced his wicked son 他宣布與他邪惡的兒子斷絕關系。

He renounced his claim to the estate 他放棄了對房產的要求。

Not undertake to renounce the use of force 不承諾放棄使用武力

Who can renounce chinese nationality 一、何人可退出中國國籍