
reno 離諾〔美國有名的“離婚城市”,在內華達州西部,凡欲離婚者...


Firefighters in reno have declared victory over a three - hundred - acre blaze that narrowly missed some upscale homes along the eastern sierra nevada on saturday 周六,里諾的消防員宣布已成功控制了蔓延三百英里的大火,只有內華達州東部的一些高檔住宅幸免于難。

In the afternoon we will pass by sacramento and reach reno , the “ biggest little city in the world “ . you can try your luck in any of the 24 hours casinos 此地享有世界最大的小賭城之稱,欣賞七彩艷麗的霓虹燈,享受多彩多姿的夜生活,并可以試一試您的手氣。

Stan : you know i think it would be a good idea , and something you ' d enjoy , if you just took a little time off , and maybe we ' d take a trip to reno 史丹:您知道我有了一個很好的構想,我想您也會喜歡的,只要您能請幾天假,或許我們可以一起去里諾度假游覽。

Two planes collided at the reno national championship air races , killing one pilot and injuring another . it ' s the third fatal crash there in four days 在里諾國家機場,兩架飛機相撞,一名飛行員死亡,一名受傷.這已經是4天來的第3次重大撞擊事件了

In the morning we visit great salt lake and great salt desert . in late after , we arrive in reno . stay overnight in reno 早上前往世界奇景的大鹽湖great salt lake及大鹽漠great salt desert ,一望無際的白鹽,不僅令人贊嘆造物者的神奇偉大。

Visit the major attractions in northern california : lake tahoe , reno and sequoia national park , 17 miles drive , sacramento san francisco 出發,搭乘豪華大巴士,觀光北加州的風景區:大杉木國家公園蒙特利海灣太浩湖雷諾那帕酒鄉舊金山。

Bryce canyon , zion park , grand teton national park , yellowstone national park , twin falls , las vegas , reno , lake tahoe , napa san francisco 布萊斯峽谷錫安公園大峽谷拉斯維加斯黃石公園大提頓公園那帕酒鄉太浩湖舊金山17哩風景區

Enjoy the crystal clear lake and pretty mountain scenery . arrive to the biggest little city in the world - reno for an exciting night 經過最迷人的舊金山市,跨越海灣大橋造訪有百年歷史,雄偉的建筑,美麗的庭院的加州首府。

Reno equipment management software is a strong commonality of equipment management software , software interface design is simple and attractive 里諾設備管理軟件是一款通用性極強的設備管理軟件,軟件界面設計簡潔,美觀。

I ‘ ll see you in hell before i see you in reno . those were the words you used , mr . dufresne , according to the testimony of your neighbors “去雷諾前,先下地獄吧! ”這是你說過的話,杜方先生,依據你鄰居的證詞。

It was very bitter . she said she was glad i knew , that she hated all the sneaking around . she said she wanted a divorce in reno 很激烈。她說她很高興我知道了一切,她討厭總是偷偷摸摸,她還說她想在雷諾離婚。

So john anderson and yuichiro miyata at the university of nevada , reno , decided to investigate and create a formal list 來自內華達州大學的約翰安德森和yuichiro miyata決定調查并最終制作出一個正式名單。

The simulation results show that the performance of this algorithm is much better than tcp new - reno , and is not worse than sack tcp 該算法跟同類算法相比,在吞吐量、 tcp友好性等方面性能有較大提高; 3

Treat each customer in line with principle of sincerity and let customer realize sincerity and hospitality of reno people really 對待每位客戶都本著誠信的原則,讓客戶真正體會到雷納人的誠懇和熱情。

Depart from reno , we head for the scenic lake tahoe , then return to bay area in late afternoon 早餐后,經由風景如畫的太浩湖lake tahoe ,欣賞優美湖光山色之馀,尚可自費乘船游湖。

Favorite female singers : natalie cole , barbra streisand and ginette reno favorite musical instrument : piano 在5歲的時候, celine就充分展露了她的音樂才華。

Then heading for the beautiful lake tahoe , mono lake , reno and monterey bay 出發,搭乘豪華大巴士,游覽著名的太浩湖雷諾蒙特麗灣和夢幻湖景點。

In late afternoon we head for reno - the “ biggest little city in the world “ 傍晚抵達全世界最大的小城市雷諾,此地享有世界最大的小賭城之稱。

Their confidence and enthusiasm at work make us each reno native be pride for it 他們在工作中的信心和熱情,讓我們每個雷納人為之驕傲。