
rennin n.【生物化學】粗制凝乳酶。


The promise of these drugs is also connected to the fact that we have begun to understand that rennin may have effects independently on the formation of angiotensin ii to the traditional pathways 之所以說這種新藥很有前景還有一部分原因是,我們已經開始懂得腎素對血管緊張素ii的形成有一定的作用,且這種作用不依賴于傳統的作用途徑。

The promise of these drugs is also connected to the fact that we hae begun to understand that rennin may hae effects independently on the formation of angiotensin ii to the traditional pathways 之所以說這種新藥很有前景還有一部分原因是,我們已經開始懂得腎素對血管緊張素ii的形成有一定的作用,且這種作用不依賴于傳統的作用途徑。

It acts on one of the key regulators of blood pressure by targeting rennin , and provides significant blood pressure reduction for a full 24 hours and is generally well tolerated 該藥主要作用于腎素這個關鍵的血壓調節器,并且能夠提供持續24小時的顯著降壓效應,而且耐受性良好。

If these would demonstrate that then there would be an even stronger rationale to use rennin inhibitors alone or in combination 如果這一點得到證實的話,那么我們就會更有理由在單獨用藥和聯合治療中使用腎素抑制劑了。

The identification of primary aldosteronism within the hypertensive population by using serum aldosterone to plasma rennin activity as a screening test 值在原發性醛固酮增多癥中的臨床意義

Distribution of gene polymorphisms of rennin - angiotensin system between iga nephropathy with hypertension and asymptomatic abnormal urinalysis subtype 腎病高血壓型和尿檢異常型中的分布

[ b ] mancia : [ / b ] well , no question that rennin inhibitors are a new class of agents , promising agents 嗯,腎素抑制劑確實是一種新藥,一種很有前景的藥物。

Mancia : well , no question that rennin inhibitors are a new class of agents , promising agents 嗯,腎素抑制劑確實是一種新藥,一種很有前景的藥物。

The mechanism by which they block the rennin - angiotensin system is different 這種藥物阻斷腎素血管緊張素系統的機制不同于其他藥物。

Would you like to outlook the direct rennin inhibition in the future 您能否展望這種腎素抑制劑的未來應用前景?