
renminbi n.〔漢語〕(中國的)人民幣。


I ' ve never made payment in renminbi before 我從未用過人民幣付款

I open a letter of credit in renminbi with a bank in u . s . a 我在美國的一家銀行開立了人民幣信用證

Legal issues of renminbi regionalization 人民幣區域化的法律推進

A 10 , 000 - yuan note of the first set of renminbi banknotes , 1950s 1950年代第一套人民幣壹萬圓鈔票

Article 18 it is prohibited to counterfeit or alter renminbi 第十八條禁止偽造、變造人民幣。

I ' ve never made payment in renminbi before 我從未用過人民幣付款。

Viewpoint : the renminbi and the hong kong dollar 觀點:人民幣與港元

Renminbi appreciation can ' t change the us ' s trade deficit to china 順差逼迫中國轉變外貿思路

Viewpoint : the hong kong dollar and the renminbi 觀點:港元與人民幣

Deliberate damaging of renminbi is prohibited 禁止故意毀損人民幣。

The first is the greater availability of renminbi funding 首先是人民幣資金的供應有所增加。

Joseph yam on reference currency basket of the renminbi 任志剛談人民幣匯率的一籃子參考貨幣

Viewpoint : the reform of the renminbi exchange rate regime 觀點:完善人民幣匯率形成機制改革

Press release : expansion of renminbi business 新聞稿:擴大人民幣業務

Reference currency basket of the renminbi 人民幣匯率的一籃子參考貨幣

The renminbi settlement system is launched 人民幣交收系統開始運作。

Expanding the scope of renminbi business 擴大人民幣業務促進市場發展

How much does this sum of foreign money amount to in renminbi 這筆外幣折成人民幣是多少?

I only bring along 200 renminbi , is that enough 我帶了200多元人民幣來,不知夠不夠用呢?